Worship with iEXPECT MINISTRIES at their new location Every Sunday at6401 Stockton Avenue, El Cerrito, CA 94530 (El Cerrito Veterans Hall) At 11:00am. See notice from Pastor Rideaux.
Richmond City Council Member Nat Bates: "While most of us are sympathetic to the many citizen [sic] who are undergoing financial risk of losing their homes through the mortgage crisis and etc, as responsible elected officials, we must not comprise the integrity and financial ability of this city to operate efficiently." Wright Enterprises asks whether that concern translated into real help considering the programs created by the financial institutions to police themselves and the government programs have according to empirical evidence done little to nothing to help people who have lost or losing their homes? What proposal beyond "concern," a feeling has Bates and others of his thinking produced as Mayor McLaughlin is now trying to use policy, an instrument "eminent domain" that has usually been used to hurt the powerless citizens, to keep their property and dreams from being stolen?
Media Alliance was a bit shocked to discover Nancy Pelosi's SF office would not meet with us and other local reps of the Stop Watching Us coalition to discuss surveillance. KCSM-What's going on? Media Alliance has an update. Find out more as Media Alliance provides action and resources for a more just, accountable and diverse media system.
The San Francisco Chapter of The Links, Incorporated in support of SFLinksConnect, our Health and Human Services programming continues outreach to the Bayview Hunters Point community on the topic of Healthcare Reform and it's relevance to the community; more specifically to raise awareness of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) will be Saturday, August 24. See details.
From the Office of Faye Wilson Kennedy---Editor of Talking Drums Newsletter---"In response to the Ginger Rutland’s article regarding the national call for “Justice For Trayvon Martin” vigil-- a few concerned community members did submit the following Op-Ed to the Bee. While the Sacramento Bee chose not to publish our Op-Ed letter we submitted July 29, 2013. Here’s our Op-Ed letter:"--(See the letter by clicking the headline)
Sailing on the Bay has always been adventurous. San Francisco filmmaker Jacquie Taliaferro says the adventure is not only on the high seas but high courts as well. See what the native San Francisco has to say about the African Diaspora Maritime team from North Carolina being shut out of the high stakes for adventure and dollars.
Wright Enterprises shares the San Francisco BayView Newspaper's reports about California's penal system. The prisoners have shut their mouths to get the attention of the public to help with the conditions they are experiencing. There's been one death to date as a result of the current hunger strike. The prisoners are crying out to Governor Jerry Brown to intervene. Will you help get the message across? Prisoners are paying their debt to society and are to be rehabilitated. Can undue punishment help rehabilitate anyone? Read what the San Francisco BayView Newspaper has to say and judge for yourself.
Wright Enterprises Community Spotlight: In prelude to Oakland speaking engagement on affordable senior housing, Danny Glover visits Oklahoma Tornado victims. Dr. Wade joins with best selling author John Gray for "Healing Toxic Love," and more community news.
See Media Alliance's update on Whitleblowing, media access, excess, phone rates for the incarcerated, Verizon and landlines, plus more.
Black Male Engagement (BMe) Re-Imagines Black Men and Boys; Are Black Students Being Left Behind in U.S. Schools?; Michelle Alexander Delivers One of Best Speeches of 21st Century on Incarceration of Black Men; Camp for Children Who Lost Loved One to Homicide; 335 Cities Signed Up for Million Father March, Film Industry expert, Bill Wynn of southern California shares "The Black Star Project" E-News with Wright Enterprises!