Directed by Anthony J. Haney,"The Mountaintop"-Best New Play 2010, Olivier Award | Regional Premiere
A Memphis motel, 1968. First night for a sassy maid-last for an icon of our time, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. fresh from the speech of a lifetime. In a breathtaking journey beyond realism, this provocative London/Broadway hit imagines the night before tragedy, burnishing a legend while revealing the flesh-and-blood man behind it. Humorous, magical, it is a daring rumination on life, legacy, and conviction that connects each of us in a remembrance of unforgettable things past.
Contains mature language. "Emotionally powerful...theatrically stunning." Variety
Save the Date for an evening of fun and purpose, April 27, 2013. Get details here.
It's Fabulous! It's Stupendous! It's Marvelous! The Lorraine Hansberry Theatre. Subscribe now while you have a chance!
EBHO Proudly Endorses the Cap & Trade Auction Revenue Proposal! Learn what you can do to show your support...To help reach the greenhouse gas emission reduction goals of AB 32, the California Air Resources Board has implemented a Cap and Trade program. California's transportation sector is responsible for the most emissions of any sector, 38%, making it an important focus. Because transportation needs are driven in large part by where people want - and can afford - to live, housing affordability affects the sector's emissions. Read more!
"We know where the fault really lies: unscrupulous banks and predatory lenders who exploited our most vulnerable citizens with reckless abandon." Read this letter and sign the petition for Bloomberg to apologize.
DRC Chamber News reminds us it is "Thank a Teacher Week" through March 8th. Great time to thank a past teacher and those on the front line today. Read all about it and more.
From the Office of LaNiece Jones, Read All About the OAL Hall of Fame Induction, March 16, 2013!
The 2013 HBCU College Tour is an educational opportunity that will help children of color in San Francisco's Bayview Hunter's Point neighborhood understand what it means to go to college. We've all heard the stories about the outcomes for black and brown children, and this project does so much to change all that.
This just in! It has been confirmed that Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi will be in attendance at the San Francisco Chapter of the National Coalition of 100 Black Women's "Golden Girl's Hats and Gloves 'Bridging the Generations' Tea" at the Fairmont Hotel, Saturday, March 2 at 11:00 a.m. Leader Pelosi will address the audience at approximately 12:40 p.m.
Otis Bruce, Deputy District Attorney in Marin County, featured in Peralta Colleges Alumni Profiles. Overcoming obstacles, he makes a difference professionally and personally in Marin County. Read the details here.