Multi-talented members of the cast and crew of “A Stranger’s Story,” the video memoirs of John J.J. Batiste Sr., spoke with San Francisco Black Film Festival and Oakland International Film Festival publicist, journalist, and media expert, Jackie Wright to talk about their role and experience in the development of the film produced by James Batiste, the sixth son of John J.J. Batiste Sr., the patriarch of NOLA’s Royal Family of Music, the Batistes.
From the Office of L.A. Jones & Associates Posted Courtesy of Wright Enterprises Community Spotlight San Francisco~Dallas~~
From Office of Charles Sharp, Executive Director of Black Emergency Managers Asssociation, BEMA, Posted Courtesy of Wright Enterprises Community Spotlight San Francisco~Dallas~~~
From the Office of Liz Kerton Telecom Council Posted Courtesy of Wright Enterprises Community Spotlight San Francisco~Dallas: Join Telecom Council members and the wider telecoms community for a lunchtime session discussing the latest innovations in SASE.
From the Office of Mayor Libby Schaaf Posted Courtesy of Wright Enterprises Community Spotlight San Francisco~Dallas
It's official! Oakland has now granted a cultural easement to the Sogorea Te' Land Trust to rematriate 5 acres of land at Sequoia Point.
Plus Other Oakland News
From the Office of Sandra Varner, Varner PR Agency, posted courtesy of Wright Enterprises Community Spotlight San Francisco~Dallas.Free registration. click the link in the article. Hear from featured speakers the Honorable Willie L. Brown Jr., former Mayor of San Francisco, The Honorable Fiona Ma, California State Treasurer; Dr. Julianne Malveaux, author, economics expert and educator; and the Honorable Lori Wilson, Chair, California Legislative Black Caucus.
From the Office of LA Jones & Associates Posted Courtesy of Wright Enterprises Community Spotlight San Francisco~Dallas~~~
Wright Enterprises Community Spotlight San Francisco~Dallas asks if Will Smith is "Home Free" after "the slap heard around the world" with his Oscar-buzz "Emancipation", plus gives a glimpse of upcoming films Showtime's "Stand"; KGO ABC 7's "Our America: Lowballed"; UGA Documentary "When the Dogs Left" and news of season two.
Ayudando Latinos a Soñar (ALAS) invites the community to the unveiling and ribbon-cutting ceremony of its colorful, state-of-the-art green tech retrofitted double-decker bus, Farmworker Equity Express, a mobile resource center program developed in partnership with Life Science Cares Bay Area; Genentech; Gilead Foundation; and AbbVie.
The African American Shakespeare Company's "Cinderella" celebrates its 20th Anniversary with a fresh adaptation of our original script by Devin A. Cunningham. This original take on our classic production pays homage to Oakland and the Bay Area culture.