Bay Area Rainbow PUSH Director and Senior Pastor of Calvary Hill Community Church in Bayview Hunter's Point, Dr. Joseph Bryant Jr. in hoodie joined pastors in protest against the murder of Trayvon Martin. Trayvon is dead and his admitted killer is still free. Join the call for justice at the Hall of Justice today, Monday March 26,2012, 12 noon 850 Bryant Street in San Francisco.
With programs that benefit the community far beyond it's 1,500 member congregation, Calvary Hill Community Church celebrates it's First Couple, Dr. Joseph and First Lady Kelly Bryant on Sunday, March 25 and launches new hours for its Calvary Books and Gifts Store on Saturday, March 24, 2012.
"The 16th "Labor of Love" Appreciation Anniversary for Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Bryant Jr. gives the community an opportunity to pause and give thanks for great leadership.
Today, March 24th, shop online at, select Women's Initiative from the drop down menu, and 10% of proceeds will go to Women's Initiative. As an extra incentive, Eileen Fisher is offering a $25 discount on orders of $50 or more - just enter code 526800 at checkout. Help Executive Director of Women's Initiative, Julie Abrams and her great team help women make a difference in their lives and their families through creating their own companies.
Congressman John Lewis will speak in Oakland for the widely acclaimed Barbara Lee and Elihu Harris Lecture Series, April 21st at 7:00pm, at Beebe Memorial Church, 3900 Telegraph. As the 2012 elections approach, the United States faces increasingly difficult global and regional contradictions, requiring creative democratic solutions. Congressman Lewis has extraordinary experience in mobilizing and organizing "normal folks" for extraordinary participation in meaningful social change.
San Jose Stage Company will present the World Premiere of Jeannie Barroga's Buffalo'ed, in collaboration with Choreographer Alleuia Panis, which retells the story of the Buffalo Soldiers, descendants of American slaves who were stationed in the Philippines at the turn of the 20th Century during both the Spanish-American and Philippine-American Wars. The military presence of the U.S. Army's Buffalo Soldiers during the Philippine occupation is a little-known thread in the fabric of American history. The World Premiere performance of Buffalo'ed, opens April 7 at San Jose Stage Company.
Read all about it. Pam Grier at the Castro Theater in San Francisco, Live! Get the details from the San Francisco Black Film Festival. Jackie Brown is in town!
Lights, movie, camera, action! See it all in Oakland! It's that special time again in the city of Oakland to highlight independent films from Oakland filmmakers and filmmakers from around the globe.
This year, the 10th Oakland International Film Festival will feature a few classic films of the past in addition to recent short and feature length productions. Find out the details.
THE hottest corner in town is at Mason and Geary - the spot where Biscuits and Blues nightclub is located, and owners STEVEN SUEN and his lovely wife TINA keep THE BLUES ALIVE! B&B was voted America's No. 1 Blues Nightclub by the Blues Foundation (formerly known as the W.C. Handy Awards). Read what else Rochelle Metcalfe has to say in "I Heard That!"....
U.S. Congresswoman Barbara Lee shares news of additional funding for unemployed seniors: The U.S. Department of Labor today announced the availability of $346 million in grants through the Senior Community Service Employment Program to provide community service-based job training opportunities for unemployed older Americans. "The job training programs funded through these grants will enhance employment opportunities for seniors through training while also linking them with businesses that are looking for qualified employees," said Secretary of Labor Hilda L. Solis. Read the details.
Stop foreclosure organizations are asking you to come out and assist a widower as he fights back the bank to keep his home for his four children. Dexter Cato opens his heart and shares his trials in an effort to keep a roof over his head. A proud man, who worked for years suffered a disability and loss of his wife, Cato makes public appeal for assistance. It's a hard road to walk for a man of his character, yet to fight the back and to protect his children he's asking for you to stand with him. Read the details from organizers of ACCE. Make a difference! Take a stand!