Get the latest offering from the San Francisco Foundation, "a critical tool in the fight for equity." Read the details.
For less than $100 be on your way to a new career as a website designer. Part of the San Francisco National Coalition of 100 Black Women, Inc. Doris Ward Workforce Development Program, the website design classes are available to kickstart a whole new career for interested person. Read the details.
The May 30-31 event kicks off as U.S. Representative Barbara Lee leads a town hall discussion on the intersection between civil rights and the quest for tech equity with its impact on the poor and communities of color. Panelists include Janice Mathis, Executive Director, National Council of Negro Women, Inc. and Angela Rye, Empowerment, Advocate and Political Strategist. The locations are Google in Sunnyvale, CA (Thursday, May 30th) and Salesforce in San Francisco. (Friday, May 31st).See all the other 2019 PUSHTECH 2020 details.
Wright Enterprises Community Spotlight shares Bay Area Perspective on Pelosi & Trump via San Francisco independent journalist, Anh Le; W.E. is sayin' what Stephen A. Smith is sayin' on Warrior's Klay Thompson's All NBA Game Pass; San Francisco Black Film Festival, June 13-16 needed now more than ever; PUSHTECH 2020 is Sold-Out; Check out Bay Area and International Business Opportunities and more.
Deborah Watson, President of the San Francisco Chapter of the National Black MBA Association shares national and local news. Get the details here.
San Francisco writer, ANH LÊ, says its time the American public, "we the people," receive the whole truth concerning the Mueller report, without redaction. It's time says LÊ to reclaim our democratic values.
Mayor London N. Breed and Supervisor Gordon Mar announced Thursday that they have reached an agreement to fully fund the San Francisco City College Enrollment Fee Assistance Fund, also known as “Free City College,” for 10 years, and provide for greater oversight of program operations.
It was announced Wednesday, May 15th that San Francisco Ballet will receive an Art Works grant from the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA). The grant, in the amount of $40,000, will supports new works.
A horrific proposed bill, AB1416, would prevent Californians from being able to stop the sale of our personal information if the company is selling the information to the government. Read details.
Oakland teenage talent, Angela Watson, lights up the stage of the San Francisco Ballet. Read more about the dancing genius, who wants to encourage other young dancers as Misty Copeland inspired her to take wings and fly with her magnificent Jeté and arabasque moves.