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Women's Energy Matters Counters Stands Up for Marin Clean Energy
June 16, 2008

For Immediate Release                                                                     Contact: Jackie Wright
June 13, 2008                                                                                   Wright Enterprises, 415 824.3990

Women’s Energy Matters Stands Up for Marin Clean Energy at Ross Council
Ross, CA- Thursday, amid the changing of mayors, the voting of pro tempore, saluting outgoing Mayor Scott Hunter and outgoing council member, Diane Durst, the Ross Town Council led by new Mayor Bill Cahill and new Mayor Pro Tempore Rick Strauss heard presentations by Marin Clean Energy and PG&E’s objections.. Marin Clean Energy supporters packed the room.  The Council decided that the issue warrants another meeting focusing exclusively on the county’s clean energy plan, which would provide more time for public input. The date for the second meeting has not yet been determined..

Investor-owned utility (“IOU”) Pacific Gas and Electric Company presented the same “too costly, too risky” mantra against Marin Clean Energy (MCE) Thursday at the Ross Town Council with a twist.  Instead of the usual male presenters, PG&E had its consultant Jennifer Webber lead. Women’s Energy Matters (WEM) Executive Director, Barbara George spoke briefly during the public comments section of the agenda and stated PG&E’s stability and its commitment to clean energy are questionable.  George pointed out PG&E’s two bankruptcies and the concern about the company’s use of nuclear power, which it calls “Green Energy.”  George commended the county’s Community Choice plan, MCE, as the truly green plan.
WEM is one of only four or five public interest parties (“intervenors”) in key energy cases at the California Public Utilities Commission. At the Town Council, due to time constraints, George gave a condensed version of WEM’s presentation, “How Green is PG&E?” touching on the following facts:

•    As of 2002 PG&E owned the dirtiest coal power plants in New England; it lost those plants in bankruptcy — its second bankruptcy in two years.
•    Suddenly, PG&E declared itself “Green;” however, it only offers 13% renewables and admitted to CPUC that it would miss the state mandated target of 20% by 2010.
•    PG&E opposes raising the renewables target to 33% by 2020; told CPUC it wants “other options.” PG&E’s CEO has stated he wants to explore nuclear investments, and the company plans to build a pipeline to import liquefied natural gas (LNG) from Oregon. LNG emits almost as much greenhouse gases as coal.
•    PG&E’s ‘Green PR’ states “We Can Do It,” but Marin Clean Energy can do it better, faster and cheaper than PG&E.

“If we had 100 years to do this, PG&E would be great.  We don’t have 100 years,” said a member of the public stressing the urgency of a need for true green energy during public comments.

Dawn Weisz of the County’s Sustainability Team, who coordinates planning for Marin Clean Energy, wrapped up after PG&E, confirming that MCE would better serve Marin’s goals of achieving clean and sustainable energy
Videos of the council meetings are provided courtesy of WEM and are posted at  Upcoming meetings on MCE include: Mill Valley Community Presentation at Mill Valley Community Center, 7 p.m., June 23rd; San Rafael City Council Presentation, 6 p.m. June 24th; a workshop at Marin County Fair, July 6, and the Novato City Council, July 8th.  Check for updates.


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