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America's Divorce Crisis Is Causing Health & Economic Havoc-Dr. Brenda Has Answers
November 19, 2010

America's current divorce rate is 51%.  

This divorce epidemic costs $325 billion a year and has a devastating impact on the economy, workplace and health, not to mention children and the foundation of society.

Brenda Wade, Ph.D., is on a mission to cut the divorce rate in-half by 2015.

Love, Money & Seva Summit Banner

America's Divorce & Relationship Crises equals

Poor Health, Diminished Finances, and Lost Workplace Productivity


Dr. Brenda Wade's International Love, Money and Seva Summit Provides Four Proven Cures for a Turnaround.


San Francisco-Amid foreclosures and extreme economic trials, America's divorce epidemic has skyrocketed to $325 billion a year cost, creating health, economic, and workplace losses, and devastating children, yet research shows the divorce rate should only be 8.5 percent.

With divorce and relationship problems impacting the workplace, it's imperative that corporate CEO's and HR Directors take action and provide staff with tools that will not only help them, but also cut down on workplaces losses, according to Brenda Wade, Ph.D. An internationally know relationship expert, Wade says the 51 percent divorce rate drops to 17 percent for couples receiving premarital counseling. That 17 percent becomes 8.5 when couples hitting snags later on receive relationship coaching.

Wade founded the "International Love, Money and Seva Summit,"  (seva means a selfless act of service) taking place in San Francisco Dec. 9-12 as part of the campaign to cut America's divorce rate in half by the end of 2015.   The Summit offers intensive training to corporations, couples, and singles the tools to create balanced, fulfilling lives and relationships.  

"In these economic times, with the holidays looming adding to emotional and financial conflict in relationships," Wade says, "This is a time when we all need proven and proactive solutions."

Known as America's "Love Doctor" on The Oprah Show, CNN, the NBC Today Show, and as host of the national TV show Can This Marriage Be Saved?, and author of the recently released book 99 Things You Wish You Knew Before Falling in Love, Wade has called upon top experts in love, money and service to speak at the Summit.  They include award-winning CNN business journalist Valerie Coleman Morris, Sandra and Kym Yancey, founders of the international eWomen Network, author of Boys Before Business: The Single Girl's Guide to Having it All, Kimberly A. Mylls, and many others.

Wade says Summit participants will leave with the four proven steps everyone should know based on current research: love, money and service insight, skills, action and maintenance. These steps yield the "triple bottom line," the secret to a balanced, fulfilling life.

The Secrets to Love & Money, the film based on the Summit, will also be shot on-location during the Summit produced by Valerie Scoon, former vice president of Harpo Films. For more information, visit or call 415-775-4866.


dr-brenda-wade-_96dpiDr. Brenda Wade ( is an award-winning holistic psychologist, television host, author, keynote speaker, retreat & seminar leader, media producer and Founder of The International Love & Money Summit. Dr. Brenda is the NBC Today Show's Family and Relationship Expert, and regularly appears on shows such as Oprah, CNN and Good Morning America. In the San Francisco Bay Area, Dr. Brenda hosts Black Renaissance on the CW network, and is interviewed by multiple news channels on various health issues. She has also authored 3 world-famous books including: Power Choices: 7 Signposts on Your Journey to Wholeness, Joy, Love and Peace; Love Lessons; and What Mama Couldn't Tell Us About Love.

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