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Community News

Hollywood Unites for Haiti Cadet School Inauguration
January 21, 2011

January, 21, 2011
Cadet School Inauguration

DSC_0068 2 Thanks for all your donations! HUFH was able to furnish the school with new benches and desks.

Link to my website
Without our strategic partners, volunteers and dedicated team in Haiti, the school would not have been built!


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Our partner Pan American Development Foundation gave a generous grant for the construction of the school.

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Puma for donating soccer gear for the children.

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The Petit family of Cadet  donated the land on which  to build to the school.

Father Louis, of Our Lady of Notre Dame gave logistical support.

Maike Kruger from the German Red Cross  helped with transportation and raising funds to equip the class room.

Guillaume Albert, the architect who designed the school.

Marie Carmel Gabriel, Executive Director of Haiti Green Project, who donated solar panels for the school!

The Global Syndicate  Haiti Week fund raiser!

Rod Roddenberry for his generous donation to HUFH.

Our  team in Haiti, Carene Calixte and our Executive Director Jonas Petit.

Link to my website
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Seven instructors (pictured above)  will take turns teaching the children on a rotating schedule. They are part time volunteers until funds can be raised to put them on a full time salary.
That's where we need you.
Please Contribute!

Creating a Sustainable Community
Accompanied by the Haitian singer Belo, and in the presence of over a hundred children; the Hollywood actor and President of Hollywood Unites for Haiti, Jimmy Jean Louis, on Thursday, January 14, 2011 inaugurated an elementary school "ESPOIR SAN FAIM-HUFH in the town of Cadet.

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Designed to accommodate three hundred (300) children, the school currently has one hundred twenty (120 children) and is provided with three buildings with seven classes. Other buildings are being built to accommodate more children, benches and tables furnish the new classroom space and faculty veteran are ready to supervise the children.


The school; ESPOIR SANS FAIM-HUFH is housed on thirteen thousand square meters. The land is a gift from the Petit family, a family from the town of Cadet.

Father Louis, the parish priest of Our Lady of Notre Dame, who officiates in the community, welcomes the initiative. "With this school, more than a hundred children will benefit fruits of Education", said the Catholic priest.

The presence of the stars at Cadet is viewed as a gesture of human solidarity, "said Jonas Petit, executive director of HUFH Haiti, "The children breathed an air of hope and encouragement in their struggle for survival" he says.

 Actor Jimmy Jean Louis and Hollywood Unites for Haiti Foundation (HUFH) have set up a football team with kids from the school to combine sport and education. "One day, one goal" is the slogan of the team and the dream of the little geniuses of Cadet.

Actor Jimmy Jean Louis by this initiative provides the opportunity for hundreds of children to go to school and contribute to the development of the children of Cadet.


 Cadet is currently devoid of basic infrastructure but is rich in potential.

It should be recognized that HUFH has received a grant from the Pan American Development Foundation (PADF) an initiative of the Foundation Hollywood Unites for Haiti for the construction of the school "ESPOIR SANS FAIM- HUFH.

written by Inauguration attendee,
Merline J. RAPHAEL

Dear Friend,

We did it! We opened Cadet school to over a hundred students. The school is equipped with desks, benches, books, new solar panels.

We have part time volunteers teaching the students on a rotating schedule, our goal is raise enough funds to employ full time teachers.

We haven't just built a school in the mountains, we are helping to structure a sustainable community. Local participation in securing the future of the school is our top priority. We will always work with the community, and respond to their needs. There are plans to;

  • Develop the surrounding land to grow our own food to feed the children a hot meal on school days.
  • Install solar panels donated by The Haiti Green Project. 
  • Build a well to facilitate water distribution to the area because the nearest water source is a 2 to 3 miles walk and inaccessible by car.
  • Encourage parental participation and provide adult classes.

Please continue to support HUFH by giving what you can, talk about the work we do and keep informed of the situation in Haiti. We are always open to ideas and suggestions.
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Have a wonderful week!
Tel:(323)244 2712


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