March 16, 2025

Community News

CBS 5/CW Bay Area Airs National Coalition of 100 Black Women in San Francisco Weekend PSA
February 20, 2011

NCBW Golden Girls Tea 2011
CBS 5/CW Bay Area TV Airs :15 Second National Coalition of 100
Black Women in San Francisco
Weekend Public Service Announcement.
Click Image to See  TV Commercial.

SAN FRANCISCO-On the federal holiday honoring Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., the San Francisco Chapter of the Coalition of 100 Black Women launched its national multicultural call for women and their families & friends from across the nation to join The 100 Black Women in San Francisco Weekend, March 4, 5,and 6, 2011 featuring the organization's national president. The launch included news of an opportunity for fun and purpose with it's "Bridging Generations" job training program that will employ depending on fund raising at least two persons over 55,three high school to post graduate age and two long-term unemployed job seekers.  READ MORE

National Coalition of 100 Black Women, Inc.

img217San Francisco Chapter

TAX I.D. 20-1573025’


Multicultural National Coaltion of 100 Black Women

in San Francisco Weekend, March 4-6

"Bridging Generations” Golden Girls Hats and Gloves Tea &

San Francisco Tour  Itinerary

(Click Here for Tickets)


Date                      Time                  Activity                           Location                                    Price


March 4

3:00 p.m.

Welcome & Registration & Cordials

Mark Hopkins InterContinental Hotel


March 4

6:00-7:30 p.m.

VIP Reception Honoring National President Dr. M. Delois Strum/Haitian Awareness with Northern California Interreligious Conference (NCIC) President Rev. Greggory Brown & LaHitz Media’s Jacquie Taliaferro


Museum of the African Diaspora

Free to members of NCBW and Sponsors-Click Here for Tickets

$50 to general public includes hors d’ouerves/ Haitian Film Excerpts by LaHitz Media & NCIC

March 4

8:00 p.m.

It's "100 Black Women in San Francisco Weekend Night” at Lorraine Hansberry Theatre’s "Fabulation” by Lynn Nottage-Click Here for Details Enjoy Preview Night with NCBW

Fort Mason Center Southside Theater


For Directions to Fort Mason Center


$40.00 Purchase Tickets Click Here

Seniors over 60 $34

Children under 12 $30

March 4

10 p.m.

 Black Market Jazz Orchestra


Top of the Mark

Mark Hopkins InterContinental Hotel


NBCW Members to pay own cover cost $10/ Non Host Bar

March 5

8 a.m.-11 a.m.

San Francisco Breakfast Tour

Sights of San Francisco-Golden Gate Bridge, Golden Gate Park, Cliff House, Legion of Honor, and City Tour

$50 includes continental breakfast

Click Here For Tickets

March 5

12-3 p.m.

"Golden Girls "Bridging Generations Tea”

Fairmont Hotel (across the street from Mark Hopkins InterContinental

$95.00-Click Here for Tickets (For Sponsored Tables Call Jackie Wright, 415 525 0410)

March 5

4 p.m.-6 p.m.

Youth Concert & Self Esteem Workshop

Dr. Brenda Wade & Keldamuzik

$10.00-Click Here for Tickets

March 5

4 p.m.-8:p.m.

Afternoon Tour of San Francisco

Sights of San Francisco- Crookedest St, Museum of African Diaspora, Ferry Building, Fisherman’s Wharf, SF Giants’ ATT Ballpark, Pier 39

$50.00 Includes Afternoon Snack Meal-Click Here for Tickets

March 5

8:00 p.m.

"Dinner at Eight”

or "Fabulation "at the Lorraine Hansberry Theatre

1300-Upscale Soul Food Restaurant or Nearby Yoshi’s or LHT "Fabulation” at Fort Mason for those that missed the play

NBCW Members to Pay for Meal, Theater and cab transportation

March 6

9:45 a.m.

Worship Service

Miracles of Faith Community Church,

4335 Virginia Avenue

Oakland, CA

510 536 6700

Pastor Greggory Brown invited National President M. Delois (Dee Dee) Strum to be the Women’s Day Speaker.  The NCBW Members and public are invited to attend.

March 6

12:30 p.m.

Member Farewell

Mark Hopkins InterContinental




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