March 16, 2025

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100 Black Women in San Francisco Digital Boost, MoAD & More
March 3, 2011

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Multicultural National Coalition of  100 Black Women in San Francisco Weekend  

Gets Digital Boost  

Press Release                                                                                                   For Immediate Release                                                                                          

National Coalition of 100 Black Women, Inc.

San Francisco Chapter

TAX I.D. 20-1573025



News Release

for immediate release

March 3, 2011                                                                          Contact:  

                                                                                                    Jackie Wright,415 525 0410

                                                                                                     Alex Kaplan, MagToGo

                                                                                                     877 624 8646 



National Coalition of 100 Black Women in San Francisco



Event attendees can keep track of what's going on with a click on their mobile phone.


San Francisco-  "Be sure you put your feet in the right place, then stand firm."  Abraham Lincoln.  The San Francisco chapter of the National Coalition of 100 Black Women has joined with MagToGo to make sure the attendees for the "sold out" events always know where "the right place is."  This year the schedule, venues and other event information will now be as close as the attendee's smartphone.  Using their Touchpoint technology, MagToGo has created a mobile event app for NCBW's "Multicultural 100 Black Women in San Francisco Weekend."  Not only attendees but colleagues, friends and family can all use the app to stay up to date with the "who," "what," "where," and "when" of the event.


"It's a great application and serves more than just our weekend guests.  As I share the app with the media, I have one less thing to worry about," said Jackie Wright, National Coalition of 100 Black Women San Francisco Communication Director and "Bridging the Generations" Event Chairperson. "When reporters can just look at their cell phone to see if we're at MoAD, the Lorraine Hansberry Theatre, the Fairmont in San Francisco or Miracles of Faith Church in Oakland, its less stressful for everyone and we're more likely to receive coverage if we can be easily found.  My hat's off to the MagToGo team.  We came to them with a tight deadline and in less than a week they were able to put things together for us that includes the ability to see the PSA airing on CBS5 and CW Bay Area TV.  That's Wow Power!"


The application created for the "The Bridging the Generations National Coalition of 100 Black Women in San Francisco Weekend" is available at 


"We loved working with the San Francisco Chapter of NCBW," said Scott Kaplan, CEO, MagToGo.  "They saw the value from the start, but I could tell some members were a little anxious about technology.  It was a pleasure to demonstrate that it took a fraction of the effort they were spending on the printed materials."


The San Francisco Chapter of the National Coalition of 100 Black Women welcomes the "platform for success" as the organization has launched via the national multicultural call to "Bridging the Generations National Coalition 100 Black Women in San Francisco Weekend, an employment and job training program.  "Part of the weekend includes our sixth annual 'Golden Girls Hat and Gloves Tea' at the Fairmont with our National President Dr. M. Delois Strum as keynote speaker and we're using the occasion to launch fundraising for the "Bridging the Generations Job and Employment Training Program, " said Dr. Maxine Hickman, President of the National Coalition of 100 Black Women San Francisco Chapter. "The program, a national model for NCBW and other nonprofits will train two adults over 55, three high school to post graduate students and two long-term unemployed adults under 55 (7 people) quarterly.  We so appreciate MagToGo for helping NCBW get off to a great communications start."


To find out more about MagToGo visit  Get details about The National Coalition of 100 Black Women in San Francisco Weekend by visiting and   Other news coverage includes:


Asian Week Coverage Click Here- 


CBS5/CW Bay Area Creates Public Service Announcement & More  


"Bridging the Generations Employment & Job Training Fact Sheet

MoAD Reception & Lorraine Hansberry Theatre Evening
Honey, It's Absolutely "Fabulation!"  FRIDAY, MARCH 4th!

Fabulation Art Work for LHT
Following the MoAD VIP Reception It's "Fabulation" as the National Coalition of 100 Black Women in San Francisco Weekend has a night at the theater March 4, 8 p.m. with a special preview.  It's open to the public.  Purchase Your  $40 Tickets Directly By Clicking Here or call 415 345-7575 for ticket availability and/or subscription.  See Special Rates for Youth and Elders over 65. "Fabulation" will be performed at the Southside Theater, Fort Mason Center, Historic Building D, San Francisco, CA  94123.

"Fabulation" at a Glance:

Written by Lynn Nottage and Directed by Ellen Sebastian Chang---
Undine Barnes Calles (Margo Hall) is a successful African American
LHT Fabulation Dance Photo

Margo Hall & Rudy Guerrero


"Honey Boon!" Lead character, PR powerhouse Undine is literally swept off her feet by her Argentine husband landing her right back in the projects in Lorraine Hansberry Theatre's "Fabulation!" Choreography by Argentine Pampas Cortes of "Forever Tango" fame.

Relations maven at the top of her game. Her Gucci glasses and Louis Vuitton bag are all real enough, but Undine's life is a fabrication.

It all unravels when her Argentine husband embezzles all of her money and suddenly disappears, leaving her pregnant and penniless. Undine has no choice but to return to her childhood home in Brooklyn's Walt Whitman Projects, where her journey of self-discovery truly begins.

LHT News Continues


Lorraine Hansberry Board President Al Dixon and General Manager Shirley Howard Johnson proudly announce a VIP reception (invited guests only) March 5--Opening Night of "Fabulation" welcoming new Artist Director,  

Steven Anthony Jones.  See SF GATE Article on Jones or go to the Press Room at The Lorraine Hansberry Theatre Website.  Contact the Lorraine Hansberry Theatre for details!    


For those who kick it like New Yorkers---why not end the evening--or start it anew at 1300.  Check it out for


Do you hear the music in the air--oh, could it be Rasselas over there? Now there's yet another option.


Hope you booked your room at the Mark Hopkins InterContinental or the

InterContinental San Francisco before the NCBW special rate cutoff.  


Stay in San Francisco~Live to Tell it All! 

MARCH 5~ "Bridging the Generations Sixth Annual Golden Girls Hats & Gloves Tea"

Hope Briggs-Opera Star

Opera Star Hope Briggs to Grace the Stage at "Bridging the Generations Golden Girls Hats & Gloves."

Employment Opportunity & More with the Golden Girls Hats & Gloves Tea-Read Details-SOLD OUT

MARCH 6~ Miracles of Faith Women's Day Kickoff with National Coalition of 100 Black Women

"Love is the Remedy" National Coalition of 100 Black Women in San Francisco Weekend Culminates at Miracles of Faith in Oakland,CA.


Special Thanks

Anonymous Platinum Sponsor ($10,000)

Dr. Maxine Hickman, President SF Chapter NCBW

Reverend Greggory Brown, President, Northern California Interreligious Conference (NCIC)

Grace Stanislaus, Executive Director MoAD

Shirley Howard Johnson, General Manager, Lorraine Hansberry Theatre

Chef Lee

Sylvia Harms, Mark Hopkins InterContinental

Casey Neuberger, InterContinental San Francisco

Sykes, Ulysses, InterContinental San Francisco

Ted Fang, Asian Week

Angela Pang, Asian Week

Rosemary Roach, CBS 5/CW Bay Area


Lady J, KMEL

Scott Kaplan,

Everyone Who Helped Make "Bridging the Generation" National Coalition of 100 Black Women in San Francisco Weekend Possible.

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