23, 2011
Press Conference & Rally at Apple Retail Store in Palo Alto , CA - Noon, August
Jobs, CEO of Apple, Inc., Contracts With Vendors
That Openly Discriminate Against American Workers
August 27, 2011 the Black Economic Council will hold a press conference and lead
a community rally at the Apple Retail Store located at 451 University Avenue in
Palo Alto , CA from 12:00-1:00 p.m. to address the release of EEO data, review of
Apple's EEO policy, and to review its labor vendors for adherence to the EEO
future of jobs for America 's youth is at stake and it is time that corporate
discrimination against Americans is challenged. Although Apple is a global
leader they have failed to address the need to put Americans back to work. Apple
has a poor track record of employing American workers, contracting with vendors
that employ American workers and contracting with American diverse small
Canty, Chair of the Black Economic Council stated, "The practices of Apple are
counter to those of President Obama who is encouraging job creation in America .
The actions of Apple violate antitrust provisions and Apple may now be 'too big
to break up or regulate' as it gobbles up competitors with its $65 billion cash
issued this challenge to Jobs, "Steve, you have been a strong record setting
leader in delivering innovative products and services. It is time for you to
step up to the plate and demonstrate the same level of leadership to help
revitalize the American economy by hiring Americans, doing business with
suppliers who hire Americans and put a stop to discriminatory hiring and vendor
supplier practices."
has continued to contract with companies that blatantly advertise for positions
that openly state non-US citizens "OPT/F1 are welcome" in job postings in online
job boards.
Microsoft's Bill Gates
decided to create the world's largest foundation for the underserved and others
such as Buffet have followed suit. The Black Economic Council urges Steve Jobs
to continue demonstrating strong leadership as an example to Silicon Valley
corporations, like Microsoft did 13 years ago, by investing in America .
Focus on Apple? Apple surpassed Exxon Mobile Corporations becoming the largest
company as measured by market capitalization on Tuesday August 9, 2011. Apple
has established itself as the largest technology firm in the United State in
terms of market capital and profits. Americans love Apple products, want to work
at Apple and establish business relationships with Apple to assist in Apple's
mission to deliver quality and services. Americans buy Apple product to support
second quarter 2011 revenue earning of $123 billion. Apple CEO Steve Jobs
said, "With quarterly revenue growth of 83% and profit growth of 95%, we're
firing on all cylinders. We will continue to innovate on all fronts throughout
the remainder of the year."
We are
looking to Congress to enact reform for guest worker programs that discriminate
against American talent, move our jobs abroad, force us to train our foreign
replacements, and traffic unemployed Indian tech workers. We will continue to
publicize these issues until Steve Jobs takes action.
time to play fair. We've got an over abundance of experienced tech professionals
and an oversupply of new science & technology graduates whom we have paid dearly
to educate.
Apple Store is located in the University Avenue shopping district, at 451
University in Palo Alto, at the cross street of Kipling, across the street from
Varsity Borders. On public transit, the closest CalTrain stop is the Palo Alto
at noon August 27th to show your support for American workers and to let Apple
know that we are paying attention to their hiring practices and effect on our
economy. #Economics, #Justice, # Silicon Valley
About the Black Economic Council (BEC)
Black Economic Council is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization created to
provide Black Americans an economic platform that facilitates business
formation, job creation, access to capital, home ownership, affordable housing,
financial fitness and equal opportunity for employment in the workforce. The
mission of the BEC is to promote the self-sufficiency of Black-American
communities through structured economic development.
Yolanda Lewis
(866) 856-4570
"If there is no struggle,
there is no progress. Those who profess to favor freedom and yet deprecate
agitation are men who want crops without plowing the ground. They want rain
without thunder and lightning. They want the ocean without the awful roar of
its waters. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never
will." |