For more information, please contact Jacquie Bischoff at 415-288-4972 or
No refunds.
Billions of dollars of investment and long range planning are
required to rebuild our region's aging infrastructure - from
transportation to power, water and communications. Critical planning and
investment also is needed for communities to assess and protect
lifeline services and utilities necessary for recovery from earthquakes
or disasters. Our panel of infrastructure experts will look at the Hetch
Hetchy project; San Francisco's Central Subway project; future airport
construction and other important transportation projects, as well as how
well the region is prepared to protect lifeline services from
earthquakes and other disasters.
Join us at our annual
Infrastructure breakfast for an in-depth presentation that sheds light
on business opportunities, and planning and policy solutions for our
region's greatest infrastructure needs. Our panel of experts will
discuss the region's most important infrastructure projects, their
economic impact, and what it will take to get them done.
Friday, November 4
7:30 a.m. - Registration 8:00-10:00 a.m. - Breakfast & Program
San Francisco Marriott Marquis, 55 Fourth Street
$70 per person/$750 table of ten