Rejoice with Lorraine Hansberry Theatre- Fun & Fundraise on Your Theater Night
November 26, 2011
The Lorraine Hansberry Theatre gives you more than just a good time with "Rejoice," the musical retelling of the Christmas story. You can fund raise with group tickets. Get group tickets at a discounted price and resell for a profit for your organization. Raise a minimum of nearly $7,000 in one night. All you have to do is sell the tickets and show up. No need to hang mistletoe, staff the bar, place a flower arrangement, get the caterer, hire the entertainment and on and on and on...Just show up for the fun. How easy is that?
Also you can plan your company's holiday party with a Theater Night. Call Jackie Wright at 415 525 0410 or Shirley Howard Johnson, General Manager at the Lorraine Hansberry Theatre and let her know "Jackie told you about ways to have a holiday party or fundraiser with the Lorraine Hansberry Theatre." You'll love the Lorraine Hansberry Theatre, now located at 450 Post Street in Union Square.
For exciting ideas on how you can "Rejoice," this holiday season:
Click here if you're an organization.
Click here if you are a business or corporation.

Fund Raising Chart--- This is the minimum. Add sponsors and your event
could easily produce more than $7,000 for a Theater Night----

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