2012 Scholarship & Resource
Information: (Revised #2)
Best Buy Scholarship Program: Open to students in grades 9-12 living in the U.S. and Puerto Rico are eligible to apply. Students need solid grades plus community service or work experience. Apply online at www.bestbuy-communityrelations.com or www.at15.com . DEADLINE TO APPLY: FEBRUARY 15, 2012
The Links, Incorporated, Sacramento Chapter Scholarships: The Sacramento Chapter of the Links, Incorporated gives scholarships and awards annually to graduating high school seniors of African heritage who exemplify academic excellence and exhibit leadership potential. For details and applications visit http://sacramentolinksinc.org/page/scholarships-1 . DEADLINE TO APPLY: FEBRUARY 17, 2012
Pacific Gas and Electric Co. will award $1 million in scholarships to area students.
The PG&E Bright Minds Scholarship program will offer up to $30,000 per year to each winner. Applicants can be high school, community college or nontraditional students. They must be enrolled in a full-time undergraduate program at an accredited two- or four-year college, university or vocational school in the 2012-2013 academic year. Winners must demonstrate community leadership, financial need and academic achievement and personal triumph, said PG&E officials. The deadline to apply is Feb. 17. See www.pge.com/brightminds.
The Sacramento Area Black Caucus, Inc. will award Rosenwald "Robbie" Robertson Scholarships this spring. The $500.00 scholarships are awarded to the students who best demonstrate the standards of academic achievement, leadership and service to the African American community which the late city councilman and community leader exemplified. The awards will be made on April 5, 2012. Applicants must be graduates of a Sacramento area high school by the end of the spring term, 2012. Applicants must be a recent high school graduates or continuing college/university students. Previous award recipients are eligible to apply. Deadline for completed applications is March 3, 2012. For more information regarding the scholarship and applications call: SABC's office at (916) 484-5025. Deadline for completed applications is March 3, 2012. You can download the application by visiting: visit: www.blackparallelschoolboard.com.
The Folsom Lake College Scholarship Website will begin accepting applications at 8:00am on Wednesday, January 4th, and will close at 4:00pm on Friday, March 2nd. If you would like to begin preparing your application early, you can visit: https://scholarship.losrios.edu/
The California Legislative Black Caucus (CLBC) Scholarship Program was established to assist deserving students by offering financial assistance to help meet educational expenses. Scholarship candidates must be full-time students in good academic standing at an accredited college or university. Graduating high school seniors with written proof of acceptance at an accredited institution of higher learning are also eligible. The amount of each award is $1,000.00. ALL APPLICATIONS MUST BE RECEIVED BY FRIDAY, MARCH 2, 2012. Please contact SENATOR CURREN D. PRICE's office to receive an application at: ATTN.: SALENA PRYOR-DANSBY, (916) 651-4026.
To be eligible for selection, candidates must have a minimum GPA of 2.5 and must complete the CLBC Scholarship Application and Personal Statement essay describing why they should be selected. In addition, two letters of recommendation and a certified copy of the most recent transcript must be submitted with the application and essay. To identify your representative, please visit the California Legislative Black Caucus website at http://blackcaucus.legislature.ca.gov. On the front page under "Find Your Representative," enter your zip code.
Students from Sacramento County please forward your completed application and documents to :
(916) 651-4026
SAFE Credit Union accepting applications for 2012 scholarships
SAFE Credit Union is offering $10,000 in scholarships for exceptional, college-bound high school seniors.
Ten students will receive $1,000 this spring. SAFE scholarships are awarded annually to students who live or attend school in Sacramento, Placer, Yolo Yuba, Sutter, Amador, Butte, Contra Costa, Nevada, San Joaquin, Solano or El Dorado counties.
Recipients will be chosen on the basis of grade-point averages, financial need, community involvement, letters of recommendation and a personal statement. The application package for the 2012 scholarships is available online at safecu.org and at SAFE Credit Union branches. Interested students also can call (916) 979-7233 or (800) 733-7233.
Application packets must be postmarked no later than March 12 and addressed to SAFE Credit Union, Attn: Marketing, P.O. Box 1057, North Highlands, CA 95660-1057.
SAFE's scholarship program, started in 2001, has grown to include $10,000 in additional support for the Sacramento County Office of Education's Academic Decathlon. Read more here: http://www.sacbee.com/2012/01/30/4226573/safe-credit-union-accepting-applications.html#storylink=cpy
Physicians for Social Responsibility Sacramento Chapter
Open to High School Seniors in Sacramento and Surrounding Counties Total Scholarship Awards $15,000 Sponsored by the Sacramento Chapter of Physicians for Social Responsibility
Students may enter the 2012 PSR/Sacramento Scholarship Essay Contest by submitting an original essay of 500 words or fewer describing their thoughts about the words of the 20th century U.S. Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis, who said, "We can have democracy in this country, or we can have great wealth concentrated in the hands of a few, but we can't have both.
- All essays must be accompanied by an entry form which includes the contestant's name, address, phone number, email address, and high school; the name of a parent or guardian; a statement signed by the contestant documenting that the essay being submitted is the original work of the contestant; a statement signed by the parent or guardian indicating that the parent or guardian approves of the contestant's participation in the scholarship essay contest; and a statement by a school official confirming that the contestant is a student in good standing, on track for graduation from the 12th grade in 2012. The completed entry form may be scanned into PDF format and sent by email to essaycontest@sacpsr.org or it may be sent by U.S. mail to: PSR/Sacramento, 10 Dumfries Court, Sacramento, CA, 95831.
- Deadline for essay submission is midnight on Wednesday, March 7, 2012.
For more info and forms visit: http://www.sacpsr.org/essay-contest/default.htm . For additional information or questions, email essaycontest@sacpsr.org or call (916) 955-6333.
Sacramento County Department of Human Assistance (DHA)
· All applications must include the following:
· Official sealed high school transcript(s). Copies will not be accepted.
· Two letters of recommendation from references who can comment on student's leadership/academic abilities (at least one must be from a teacher).
· Acceptance letter or proof of enrollment. Scholarship check will not be issued until proof of acceptance is provided.
· Essays must be typed and have at least 500 words.
· Students must title their essay and indicate the essay question they are answering.
· Applicant and parent/guardian must sign application.
Application must be postmarked by Friday, March 9, 2012.
DHA Scholarship Committee, Cathlyn Brown, VC96, 2450 Florin Road, Sacramento, CA 95822. Contact us by phone @ 874-2325 Monday - Friday, 1pm - 5pm or email your questions to aguilarc@saccounty.net. For more info visit: http://dhaweb.saccounty.net/Scholarship/index.htm.
National Coalition of 100 Black Women, Sacramento Chapter (SacNCBW) offers scholarships to graduating seniors who meet specific qualifications. For more info and to: downloaded application visit: www.sacncbw.org. The deadline to submit an application is March 16, 2012. Any application packages postmarked after this date will not be accepted. Please mail all applications to the address located at the bottom of this letter. You are welcome to forward this information to other high school seniors. Please direct all questions, concerns, or requests for more information to Mrs. Shirley Thomas - Scholarship Chairperson. Please indicate on your application envelope: Attention Scholarship Committee. Mrs. Thomas can be reached at (916) 519-4588 or rjsthomas@sbcglobal.net.
U.S. Bank Scholarship Program: Here's your opportunity to apply for one of 40 $1,000 scholarships. In order to be eligible for the U.S. Bank Scholarship Program, a student must be a high school senior planning to enroll or a current college freshmen, sophomore or junior at an eligible four-year college or university participating in the U.S. Bank Student Loan Program and a United States citizen or permanent resident alien. For more information and to apply visit http://www.usbank.com/student-lending/scholarship.html?ecid=EM_1443&WT.mc_id=r1443&original_ref= DEADLINE TO APPLY: MARCH 31, 2012
Sacramento Region Community Foundation Scholarships 2012 (various due dates)
Please read the guidelines and eligibility information before applying for a scholarship as they are different for each award. All requested elements must be mailed to the specified address by the application deadline. Late or incomplete applications will not be considered.
You can download application materials, guidelines and eligibility requirements by clicking on the links for each scholarship. Application materials for some scholarships listed below will be available soon.
If you are unable to download an application or you would like more information about Foundation scholarships, please contact us at 916-921-7723 or email scholarships@sacregcf.org or visit http://sacregcf.org/doc.aspx?133 for a listing of scholarships.
Sacramento 100 Black Men's 2012 Scholarship Application
This Scholarship program is for high school students only. Applicants are instructed to email applications to the following email address: scholarship@100blackmensacramento.com
Students must have attended 100 Black Men mentoring sessions, attended the African American Young Male Conference, or attended the Youth and the Law Seminar during the past 12 months.
Only current high school seniors can apply and should have at least a 2.5 Grade Point Average in order to qualify for a scholarship award.
Applicants are required to submit an essay (600 word minimum) that discusses one of the following: (It is also encouraged and preferred that the essays be typed)
Applications for scholarships must arrive at our Office no later than Friday, April 1, 2012. Scholarships awards will be announced in May at our Scholarship Awards Luncheon.
For more info and to download the application visit: http://100blackmensacramento.org/scholarship-program/
The Sacramento County Office of Education (SCOE) is now accepting submissions for an essay contest designed to honor local military veterans. The winning high school student will receive a $500 college scholarship, courtesy of SAFE Credit Union.
Every year, SCOE honors the many contributions of local veterans who left high school to serve in the U.S. military during World War II, the Korean War or the Vietnam War through the Operation Recognition program. Qualifying veterans, who received an honorable discharge, may contact SCOE to receive their high school diplomas. Diplomas are also presented to Japanese American citizens who were forced to leave high school due to WW II internment.
The 2012 Operation Recognition Scholarship essay theme is "How I Can Show My Patriotism in My Community."
Contestants must be high school juniors or seniors who are currently attending public high schools in Sacramento County. The completed essay, with a cover letter, must be received by the Sacramento County Office of Education by Monday, April 23, 2012. For more information, e-mail or phone Tim Herrera, SCOE Communications Director: (916) 228-2713 or visit: http://www.scoe.net/news/library/2012/january/09or_scholarship.html
2012 Nordstrom Scholarship Program: The 2012 Nordstrom Scholarship Program are available beginning TODAY for deserving high school juniors. The company will award eighty (80) college scholarships in the amount of $10,000 each to students in states where Nordstrom has a store. Please share widely with your network or with anyone who knows of a young person who plans to attend college. (civic groups, churches, fraternities/sororities, etc). For more info visit: www.nordstrom.com/scholarship. The deadline is: May 1, 2012.
Federal Financial Aid Application (FAFSA)
The (Free Application for Federal Student Aid), or FAFSA, is the first step in the financial aid process. Use it to apply for federal student financial aid, such as the Pell Grant, student loans, and college work-study. In addition, most states and schools use FAFSA information to award their financial aid. Get started on your application today at http://www.fafsa.ed.gov/index.htm
2012 Scholarship & Resource Information compiled by the Sacramento Area Black Caucus, the Black Parallel School Board and the Black United Fund of Sacramento Valley.