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A Love Message From Dr. Brenda on Valentine's Day
February 14, 2012

hearts in stalks
Love, Money and Seva Seminars February 14, 2012
Your New Love Affirmation 

Write this down and put it where you can see it frequently and repeat 10 times per a day.

I am worthy, deserving and capable of giving and receiving empowering, ecstatic LOVE!
Here's a Valentine Gift for YOU.

5 Secrets to Creating Empowering, Ecstatic and Fully ALIVE Love!


Free Teleseminar  Feb 29th 5:00-6:30pm PST

Get more juicy info, affirmations and ideas on love. Download  The Joan Kenley Radio Show for my interview on  Valentine Love



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Dear Friend,

Yesterday, I walked into Rainbow Grocery to pick up a few basics and to find healthy Valentines Day treats, for my loved ones.  I thought to myself, "Isn't it great that we have a day to celebrate love?" Even as commercial as it has become, this day reminds us of a the most powerful energy that we human beings can experience.


LOVE is my favorite subject. I have spent 25 plus years studying, meditating, writing about love and coaching literally thousands of couples and individuals to develop insights, skills and actions to expand their love capacity. I've blended my triple areas of expertise; science, psychology and spirituality to create a unique system to mastery with love. I believe we are here as human beings to learn how to love and we each have incredible potential to love.heart leaves


Barbara and Joe, after 3 years of marriage in which they created  more and more conflict, learned the hard way that they needed a serious upgrade in their communication skills. They both discovered that they grew up in families where people got angry first and asked questions later. It was a shock to them to learn that 50% of our love patterns are buried in our subconscious by the time we are 4-years old. We certainly don't learn love skills in school.  This is why I created the Love, Money and Seva Seminars because research shows that we love better when we learn better (that is also true about money but we will save that for another time).


Here are two of the keys taught Barbara and Joe, I discovered them, through my research and study. They provide the means to consistently grow and expand love in order to create thriving relationships:


1. Insight


Surprise! There is probably a 4-year old running your relationship!  What are the love patterns that you learned from your parents? For example, if like Barbara and Joe, you had an angry rejecting parent, chances are that you will become angry and rejecting towards anyone who gets too close.Of course there is a flip side you might also develop a needy clingy pattern. Now, by uncovering your love patterns you now have a chance to transform them.


Write down the old pattern and then rewrite it in as an optimal love enhancing pattern, begin with I Am worthy and deserving of love, I love and accept myself more and more everyday. I am now ready... keep it short, visual and include an action you will take.    


2. Skill


We all know communication is important. HOW to do it well is the key. First, there is listening. The best listeners practice what I call: VAC. When someone else is speaking:  

  1. Validate their feelings
  2. Accept their feelings (because feelings are neither right nor wrong; they are simply feelings)  
  3. C: offer them comfort and seek to understand their concerns   

If someone is blowing up or venting in a way that is hurtful or abusive, that is not skillful communication. It is OK for you to set a boundary and say, "I see you are really upset, and when you feel calmer, I would love to talk to you about this."  

If you are the speaker, it is very important you practice FUR

  • F: Feelings. For instance, say, "This is what I am feeling right now." Avoid "blaming" as in "You always come home late" which   promotes combat rather than understanding.
  • U: Upset. For example, "When I didn't receive a call, letting me know you would be late, I felt upset."   
  • R: Request.  This is where the issue gets solved. For example : "I would really appreciate a call when you are going to be more than 30 minutes late."
Since your brain has created learned patterns from childhood, it will take some consistent practice to master these new communication skills.  I'm happy to say that Barbara and Joe are doing quite well and have resolved many issues using VAC and FUR

You can do it too and more by joining me for:
LEAP INTO LOVE: 5 Secrets to Creating Empowering,Ecstatic and Fully Alive Love! This in depth 90min Love teleseminar is my Valentine's Day gift to you. Isn't there always room to grow in Love?


Register Here Now! 


Lots of Love and Many Blessings!  

Dr. Brenda  
Upcoming Events


Are you ready to feel more deeply ALIVE than ever before in 2012?

What would it be like for you to experience a flowing waterfall of prosperity and love in your life?

If you are ready for ALIVEness and flow, then you will want to join me for my LIVE 6-week teleseminar series Love and Money: Living in the Flow with a special bonus live in-person 3-day intensive seminar with some of the world's best teachers on Love and Money. 


You will learn to: 

  • Come fully ALIVE as you learn the ALIVE 5-step process
  • Create daily practices that keep your energy high and continue to materialize the successes you desire with Love & Money
  • Clear the energy of childhood pain and trauma related to love and money.
  • Deepen your mastery and practice of scientifically based tools for creating love, abundance and fulfillment.
  • Break the self-sabotage patterns that have robbed you of love, money and fulfillment.
Next teleseminar dates:
Tuesdays, March 6- April 10th 5:00-6:30pm PST

Bonus 3-day Intensive dates:
March 30-April 1st.

What Love and Money participants are saying:

"I had been stuck for years. Now, I am dating, working out and I feel more alive than I ever have in my whole
life!!" - B.F., Berkeley, CA

"WOW! My boss was on my case and now 'm getting praise at work and I just received my first bonus check in many years!"
- M.W., Chicago, IL

The fee for this life changing package program is $1197. I'm currently offering an amazing discount rate of $597 for a limited number of places in this program.

CALL TO REGISTER NOW at 415-775-4866

or email at  

Black Renaissance Television Show

Next show:

Sunday, February 19th

8:00am PST


Dr. Brenda hosts Black Renaissance on CBS/CW Network Cable 12, Channel 44 


Join her and her special guest, actor Carl Lumbly, a true master of his craft. You'll get a sneak peak at his starring role in the new Lorraine Hansberry Theatre production Blue Orange (a must see Theatrical experience).  


Are you looking for inspiration, better health, news you can use and the latest on entertainment and the art scene? Then tune in! 

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