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Community News

CA Attorney General Kamala Harris, Hoppin@ Lorraine Hansberry Theatre & More Community News
May 10, 2012

Wright Enterprises-Community Spotlight

Press Release For Immediate Release
California Attorney General Kamala Harris Speaks at San Francisco Conservation Corps'
Future Hard at Work Reception
May 8, 2012

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The San Francisco Department of the Environment and The Fort Mason Center will be honored at the event to be held at San Francisco War Memorial Green Room.

Senator Dianne Feinstein helped found SFCC. Attorney General Kamala Harris will speak at SFCC Reception.

San Francisco -May 8, 2012-
California Attorney General Kamala Harris will be guest speaker as The San Francisco Conservation Corps hosts its "Future Hard at Work Reception," this evening, Tuesday May 8, 6:00 p.m.-8:30 p.m. at the San Francisco War Memorial Green Room.  The San Francisco Department of Environment and the Fort Mason Center will be recognized for being environmentally conscientious partners of the organization that greens San Francisco's public spaces and helps young people facing life challenges.

You can help make a difference by attending today.  Remember you can purchase your tickets at the door.  If you can't make it, you can still help by making a tax-deductible donation right now.  Click Here to Support the Corps. (

"The San Francisco Conservation Corps was green from its inception, before it was popular, as U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein, then Mayor of the City of San Francisco launched the program twenty-nine years ago with key community leaders such as Justice J. Anthony Kline," said Ann Cochrane, Executive Director.  "It's only natural that we acknowledge The Department of The Environment and the Fort Mason Center who are in the green trenches with us.  We are honored to have Attorney General Kamala Harris help us with that acknowledgement" added Cochrane.

Cochrane went on to say that Harris understands the redemptive work of the Corps as she created a program called "Back on Track" while San Francisco District Attorney to help first time non-violent drug offenders turn their lives around and avoid prison.  The program is administered at San Francisco Goodwill in partnership with
 Family Services Agency of San Francisco and has served as a national model.  

"The Future Hard At Work," the theme and logo that were developed pro bono by Venable Bell & Partners, a marketing firm, is indicative of the programmatic work of the San Francisco Conservation Corps and will be highlighted at the reception as corps members will also be on hand to share their experiences.  For More Details Click Here!  See entire news release. 

Get your sponsorship and tickets here!


Lorraine Hansberry Theatre Gives Back & Pays Forward with Capital/Fundraising Model

Use this Model for the Lorraine Hansberry Theatre's 32nd Season that is coming up, September 2012-May 2013 or if you have an active social media network that likes to have a good time, you can use it now before this year's season ends.

With a responsive social network you can, net up to $28,000 by May 11, 2012. You don't have to be a nonprofit to benefit from this capital/fundraising model. All you need is 100- 400 clients/supporters who are committed to having a night on the town in Union Square on your designated night for Wednesday-Friday performances of "Blues for An Alabama Sky" at the Lorraine Hansberry Theatre, 450 Post St., San Francisco (In Kensington Park Hotel).  If you are "Linked In" or Have fun-loving "Facebook Friends," take advantage of your social media and generate funds for you company or favorite nonprofit.  Call LHT General Manager Shirley Howard Johnson at 415 345-3980  or Jackie Wright at 415 525 0410 to reserve your night of capital fun!  See what you can raise.  



Lorraine Hansberry Theatre's New Home

$50 Ticket Price Point                              Your Profits

100x$50= $5,000 ($3,000 to LHT)             Profit: $2,000

200x$50= $10,000 ($6,000 to LHT)           Profit: $4,000

300x$50= $15,000 ($8,400 to LHT)           Profit: $6,600

400x$50=$20,000 ($11,200 to LHT)          Profit: $8,800


$100 Ticket Price Point

100x$100= $10,000 ($3,000 to LHT)          Profit: $7,000

200x$100= $20,000 ($6,000 to LHT)          Profit: $14,000

300x$100= $30,000 (8,400 to LHT)            Profit: $21,600

400x$100= $40,000 ($11,200 to LHT)         Profit: $28,800


See more details -Click Here.   




Enjoy End of Season Benefit "Hopping@Hansberry," Saturday May 12! Tickets $125. More than 50% off for Pastors, Police, Fire, and School District personnel throughout the Bay Area.
Call 415 474-8800 for your discount code. Enjoy "Blues for An Alabama Sky" & Dance the Lindy with
"Lindy Ambassador Traci Bartlow."
Can't attend?
Make a Tax-deductible Contribution to LHT!


Asian Heritage Street Fair--Be there! The largest gathering of Asian Pacific Americans in the nation is back and bigger than ever, this year showcasing the return of the Arts & Crafts World Market, an extravaganza of unique handmade products and artworks. The fair will also feature a scrumptious collection of pan-Asian delights and sweets, along with the Bay Area's favorite food trucks. For the first time ever, the fair will feature celebrity cooking demonstrations - including lessons from renowned chef Martin Yan and Slanted Door's Charles Phan!

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