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Community News

49er Great Jaime Williams Parades to NU, Thank You Kamala Harris, Bill Cosby's Cartoonist & More
May 25, 2012

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Wright Enterprises-Community Spotlight

Press Release For Immediate Release
"King Theo" presents 2012 King and Queen of Carnaval, Ashlee George & Roberto Mendez on
San Francisco City Hall Rotunda Steps.

"Whole Lotta Shaking Going On" With Carnaval  
This Memorial Day Weekend
Theo Williams, (front row left) with Amazing Caribelinq's SambaFunk posing at City Hall after rocking the house with conga line and all.
(photo by entertainment reporter Shelah Moody)

San Francisco - Like the Jerry Lee Lewis' song,"Whole Lotta Shaking Going On," the earth

Jaime Williams appearance in the Carnaval Parade Sunday may be one of the few for a while as walks through a new& old door joining  NU, his Alma Mater's Athletic Department. Click Image for details.

will be moving to the beat of Carnaval!  Will the "Williams Trio" join the fun? Seems that way as "King Theo" Williams of Caribelinq SambaFunk has, as part of his contingent, famed guests 49er Super Bowl Champion and former Director of Sports for Academy of Arts University, Jaime Williams plus Tower of Power powerhouse singer Lenny Williams.   SambaFunk rocked the house as the finale of the recent pre-Carnaval ceremonies at City Hall having everyone on their feet dancing to the beat.


San Francisco Cultural Arts Traditions (SFCAT) will host California's largest annual multi-cultural celebrations, San Francisco Carnaval 2012, taking place Memorial Day weekend in San Francisco's Mission District. San Francisco Carnaval, themed "Spanning Borders; Bridging Cultures," will be held Saturday May 26 and Sunday May 27. Look for the Williams' breaking loose at the Grandstand on Mission Street in front of Foreign Cinema Restaurant on Mission Street between 21st and 22nd. The parade starts at 24th and Bryant, moves along Mission Street and ends at 17th and South Van Ness. The Carnaval Festival that begins on Saturday is on Harrison between 23rd Street and 17th Street.

SFCAT Board Members Carlton X. Osborne(l) and Jacquie Taliaferro (r) flank Jackie Wright and King and Queen of Carnaval 2012 Roberto Mendez & Ashlee George at City Hall Carnaval Kickoff Ceremonies.
(photo by Dave Gordon)

Most people think of Carnaval and the great fun that it brings to over 200,000 people in the Bay Area over the Memorial Day weekend," said Jacquie Taliaferro. "It's also very important for people to start thinking of it as an opportunity for commerce. There are still some non-food vendor opportunities and people should consider Carnaval as a fun multicultural direct-marketing opportunity." The public can find out more about the vendor opportunities by going to


Carnaval is also a great opportunity for outreach and networking. The "Take Wings Foundation" answered Taliaferro's call for the need for more multicultural involvement and will have an information booth about The "Take Wings Foundation" founded by San Francisco

Terri J. Vaughn
San Francisco Actress & Founder of "Take Wings Foundation," Terri J. Vaughn

native actress Terri J. Vaughn. "We're pleased to be able to share information about our work at Take Wings with more thousands of people and have a great time as well," said Helen Vaughn, who coordinated the opportunity for the nonprofit that helps young women develop life skills and excellence in education. (As a sidebar Steve Harvey, who gave Terri J. Vaughn, a local protege of Bay Area director Paul Roach, her first national platform in his television show, "The Steve Harvey Show" has just joined KBLX with his nationally syndicated morning radio show.)


Entertainment Reporter Shelah Moody reported live from City Hall for KPOO Radio with KPOO News Director Harrison Chastang anchoring at the studios. 


Get ready for more fun this weekend.  There's something for the entire family!

San Francisco Supervisors David Campos and Christinia Olague (center) join in the Carnaval revelry at City Hall.
(photo by Shelah Moody)
The "Hot Pink Feathers" celebrated Carnaval at City Hall
(photo by Dave Gordon)
The Three Kings brought their flava to the conga line too!
(photo by Dave Gordon)

CA. Attorney General Kamala Harris Speaks at SFCC "Future Hard at Work"which was emceed by ABC 7's Carolyn Tyler.
SFCC Executive Director Gives Thanks for a Successful Event

Monday, May 21, 2012  

I am so pleased to share with you that our 29th Anniversary event was our most successful yet!

We are all so busy and have few opportunities to gather and celebrate, but on May 8th, we packed the SF War Memorial Green Room with longtime friends, strategic partners and our committed and generous donors on behalf of all the young people the San Francisco Conservation Corps serves.
Amongst our honorees was one of our many successful alumni, Vernon. His personal journey filled us with pride and inspiration while reminding us why we do what we do everyday, working to make a difference in young people's lives and in the community we share.
Our guest of honor, Attorney General Kamala Harris remarked, "access to opportunity is absolutely vital for young people". The SF Conservation Corps prepares young people for that opportunity everyday.(READ ENTIRE LETTER)



Legendary Cartoonist for Bill Cosby Joins the SFBFF Lineup

 As you know the San Francisco Black Film Festival kicks off on Friday June 15 with Opening Night at the Lorraine Hansberry Theatre at its new home 450 Post Street in Union Square.  There's more good news.
The Urban Game Suite, in conjunction with 14thSan Francisco Black Film Festival and the 62nd SF Juneteenth Festival will host a series of workshops on animation, game design, and present a special film screening highlighting African Americans contributions to the industry.  In addition we will be sharing the career opportunities that are available within the industry and provide information and resources on how one might go about accessing them.


We are paying tribute to a living legend by hosting an evening conversation with Emmy Award Winning Director of Animators and creator of Fat Albert caricature, Leo Sullivan.  See the Details Here.

By the way you can host your event at the Lorraine Hansberry Theatre.  Call 415 345-3980 for rental details.  The Historic Lorraine Hansberry Theatre continues to be a platform for established and new entertainment careers and more. Click the LHT image to see what's coming soon!




Powerful Women of the Bay, May 31st at Scott's in Oakland. Cathy Adams of CDA Consulting says "You don't want to miss it. Mayor Jean Quan, Rosy Chu, Kitty Kelly Epstein, Dr. Debbra Lindo, Deanna Santana, Grace Stanilaus, Barbara Williams, and Chris Williams will be honored. Enjoy the presence of power!

Carol Tatum shares news of the Annual San Francisco Business and Professional Women's Luncheon. Noteworthy accomplished Bay Area Women will be feted on June 16, 2012. Stacy Brown-Philpot will be keynote speaker. Awardees include Valerie Morris Coleman, Kimberly Brandon, and Monetta White. Read All About It!


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