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Black Media Appreciation Night-JR Valray Leads Salute to Publisher Willie Ratcliff
October 26, 2012

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Announcing Black Media Appreciation Night


Three cheers for Yoshi's! JR asked, and Oakland Yoshi's said yes, so ... [trumpets, drum roll] ... SF Bay View and Block Report Radio present the first and hopefully annual Black Media Appreciation Night on Nov. 26, 8 p.m., at Yoshi's, 510 Embarcadero Way, Oakland. Click the pretty banner at the top of and get your tickets now before they're all gone.


Who'll be there besides you and me? The best in local independent Black media: We're celebrating life and resistance: Bay View publisher Willie Ratcliff's 80th birthday and 20th year at the paper's helm, the steady recovery from leukemia of miracle journalist Kevin Weston, and the near total recovery from a gunshot wound of the fiery writer and broadcaster Bay View associate editor and People's Minister of Information JR Valrey.


Davey D of Hard Knock Radio on KPFA will be there, plus film-maker Kevin Epps, Greg Bridges of KPFA and KCSM, Bay View arts editor Wanda Sabir, Veronica Faisant of KPFA, Donald Lacy of KPOO and more superstars we'll tell you about soon - all your favorite media-makers.


M1 of dead prez, who's coming to the Bay a few days earlier, says he doesn't want to miss it and is trying to clear his calendar. Musicians who've confirmed are jazz artist extraordinaire Phavia Kujichagulia, jazz rapper Do D.A.T. and Bay Area rap legends Mac Mall and Ray Luv.

So come one, come all! If you can't come, buy a ticket for folks who are dying to come but can't afford it.


When you wish Willie a happy 80th birthday, you may address him as Dr. Ratcliff! This Sunday, Oct. 28, 11 a.m., at Grace Tabernacle Community Church, 1121 Oakdale at Ingalls, in Hunters Point, Deacon Ratcliff will be presented with an honorary Doctorate Degree in Humanities from the Sacramento Theological Seminary! We'd love to see you there.




Sunday, Oct. 28, 5 p.m.: Communities Behind Bars: from Palestine to Pelican Bay at Friends Meetinghouse, 65 Ninth St., San Francisco. Panelists are Dr. Ruchama Marton, founder and president of Physicians for Human Rights-Israel; Manuel La Fontaine, organizer for All of Us or None; Dr. Allam Jarrar, a leader of the Palestinian Medical Relief Society; and Dr. Terry Kupers, psychiatrist and an expert witness on U.S. prison conditions.


Wednesday, Oct. 31, 10 a.m.: San Francisco Black Film Festival presents Free Halloween Movie for the Kids - free popcorn, candy and prizes too! at the Jazz Heritage Center's Media & Education Center, 1320 Fillmore St. in the lobby of Yoshi's, San Francisco. All adults accompanied by a child will also be admitted for free. Wear your masks and costumes; bring your youth group and daycare kids (email if you're bringing a crowd).


Thursday-Monday, Nov. 1-5: Paul Mooney kicks off 'The Second Term Tour: Black is the New White!' at the Black Repertory Group Theater, 3201 Adeline St., Berkeley. Call (510) 652-2120; discount code: Obama.


Tuesday, Nov. 6, 7 a.m.-8 p.m.: Election Day! at your neighborhood polling place. Check out Dr. Ratcliff's recommendations in the Bay View Voters Guide and other election commentary in the Bay View.


Wednesday, Nov. 14, 6 p.m.: UNSHACKLING! a community celebration at The Women's Building, 3543 18th St., San Francisco. "We won the ban on shackling incarcerated pregnant women! Please join us for a victory celebration."


Find dozens more exciting events in the Bay View Calendar of Events.





Bay View Voters Guide

The Bay View stands by Julian Davis, our first choice for District 5 supervisor

Mapping the war on the right to vote

The District 5 Poor Peoples Candidate Forum

Three Strikes: Today's civil rights challenge

Prop 37: We deserve to know what's in our food

Racism and classism in Berkeley streets and schools

Politics of voting: Open windows, election time and voting in Black America

San Francisco Sheriff's Department registers record number of inmate voters

Black president, preachers, politicians and people MIA on Black issues?


Bay Area

Look who's punishing violent cops now!

SFPD facing people in crisis: No gun, no taser! Talk 'em down

Grow sessions: an interview wit' horticulturalist Ms. Parker

Regional funding revived for Free Muni for Youth

Blueford family exposes City Council lies

Banks spend millions on ads to silence media on foreclosure crisis: Vote Yes on C

From foreclosure to homelessness

Houseless homeowners: Will San Francisco declare them illegal?

Welcome to segregated California

Derrick Gaines: They treated him like a statistic


Behind Enemy Lines

California prisoners make historic call to end hostilities between racial groups in California prisons and jails

Open letter to Gov. Jerry Brown: Stop the torture now

On anniversary of hunger strike, Pelican Bay prisoners in solitary confinement see no change, request governor's intervention

Steve Champion ends hunger strike following indications he may be released from Adjustment Center

Steve Champion: Nine days into his death row hunger strike, he's lost 51 pounds

Death Row prisoner Steve Champion, Tookie's friend, on hunger strike since Oct. 4

Support Zulu's legal fund; get his beautiful, hand-crafted jewelry

Don't let the torturer define torture

California rises to prisoners' challenge to end racial hostilities

No More Shackles: AB 2530 is SIGNED!

Will AB 2530 unshackle childbirth in California?

Go on

It is a matter of innocence, not economics

Revenge vs. a Kage Brother's tolerance


Amnesty International report condemns shocking conditions in California SHUs

Solitary confinement policies in California revised again, as inmate leaders promote end to racial hostilities

My bogus validation and torture at Calipatria ASU

We wrote our own appeal to prove my husband's innocence

PBSP update: Assessment of meetings with assistant warden

Georgia prisons 'out of control,' rights group says, as FBI brutality probe deepens

Two tributes to John 'J-Rock' Carter, murdered by Pennsylvania prison guards

Attica: 41 years later

No new jails! Californians fight on a year after realignment

San Mateo Board of Supervisors push $160 million jail plan forward

Hundreds pack San Mateo supervisors' meeting, demand no new jail


Culture Currents

Attempted ivory tower assassination of Malcolm X: an interview wit' Jared Ball, editor of 'A Lie of Re-Invention'

Wanda's Picks for October 2012

Mumia, the long distance revolutionary: an interview wit' documentary producers Stephen Vittoria and Noelle Hanrahan

Joanna Haigood's 'Sailing Away': Black exodus from San Francisco 1858 and 2012

Good hair and fair skin vs. Gabby Douglas, Michelle Obama and Essence Magazine

Time traveling: an interview wit' African historian Runoko Rashidi

Black and Brown laughter

Lightin' the fire in the mind: an interview wit' children's book author Akua Ngusi

A conversation with Sam King, author of 'The African American's Guide to Working from Home and Neighborhood'

'The Streetz Gon' Cry': an interview wit' author Big Tray Deee and Anthony Barrows

'Placas: The Most Dangerous Tattoo' by Paul S. Flores

TKO! Dawson demolished at the Oracle in Andre Ward's Oakland

The 2020 vision for Buy Black Wednesdays

Ships ahoy! America's Cup overflows $1 billion or more

San Francisco Trolley Dances 2012 comes to Bayview

Hunters Point-born Marilyn Thomas wins high honor at SF State

Making fitness 'fit' into everyday activities

Free community screening of 'As Goes Janesville' Oct. 16

Acción Latina presents First Annual Mission Latin Jazz Festival


Black Panthers

Distorting the legacy of Richard Aoki

Richard Aoki: Humanist and human being

Mo Nishida: My thoughts on the unprincipled attack on Richard Aoki's character


California and the U.S.

Cynthia McKinney exposes 'soft repression,' political bullying

Help U.S. graduates of medical school in Cuba prepare to serve needy communities at home

Indigenous Day, not Columbus Day

Ammiano decries Gov. Brown's veto of media access to prisoners


Gulf Coast joins together to help those in need due to Hurricane Isaac


Africa and the World

Rwanda: Victoire Ingabire facing possible life sentence on Friday, Oct. 19

Victory for Chávez is a victory for Latin America

Haiti's constitutional horror show

Outsiders EXPECT burning tires in Haiti ... not accurate reporting

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