Jacquie Taliaferro, LaHitz Media CEO
Press Release |
For Immediate Release |
Governor Jerry Brown at NAACP State Convention by Jacquie Taliaferro  |
Governor Jerry Brown & Jacquie Taliaferro.
San Mateo- "All politics is local," said Tip O'Neil, the great
former Speaker of the House. Governor Jerry Brown brought it home as he
addressed the State Convention of the NAACP at the San Mateo Marriott
Hotel in the presence of delegates and the Mayor of San Mateo Brandt
Among the ceremonies was the presentation of a
proclamation from the City of San Mateo at the luncheon emceed by Regina
Whitney of the SEIU which sponsored the luncheon.
Brown was straight forward about his stance on Proposition 30, jobs,
education, challenge to voters' rights and tight fiscal belt-tightening.
Jacquie Taliaferro of LaHitz Media Intro's Governor Jerry Brown Speaking with Press.
Speaks of Voters' Right's and the problem of more prisons built than universities
Governor Jerry Brown Speaks to NAACP State Convention
"Education is at the heart of opportunity," Governor Jerry Brown | Governor Jerry Brown at NAACP State Convention | NAACP California State President Alice Huffman Also Addressed the Press.
Alice Huffman, President CA State NAACP Addresses Media
Jacquie Taliaferro for San Francisco Bay View Newspaper with contributions from Wright Enterprises www.wrightnow.biz.
Black Media Appreciation Night-JR Valray Leads Salute to Publisher Willie RatcliffOn
Sunday, October 28th,at Grace Tabernacle Community Church, 1121
Oakdale at Ingalls, in Hunters Point, Deacon Ratcliff will be presented
with an honorary Doctorate Degree in Humanities from the Sacramento
Theological Seminary! The kudos continue for Willie Ratcliff, who
along with his wife Mary were feted last December by LaHitz Media and
Wright Enterprises at "Our Media Matters" Night at the Lorraine
Hansberry Theatre. JR Valray hosts Black Media Appreciation Night at
Yoshi's in Oakland on November 26 to honor soon to be Dr. Willie
Ratcliff's Birthday and the 20th Anniversary of the Ratcliff leadership
of the San Francisco BayView Newspaper.
Thanks for the efforts of Media Alliance, Executive Director,
Tracy Rosenberg, and the members of Media Alliance for their vigilance
of media. There can be no free democracy without "Freedom of the
Press." Media Alliance news includes the information about the delay
of the sale of KCSM after media activism,an advocacy campaign to have
Clear Channel Outdoors remove billboards that impacted voter's rights, Jackie
Wright of Wright Enterprises "Thank You to Independent Media" after
corporate media did not show for the Martin Luther King Jr. Freedom
Center's Barbara Lee and Elihu Harris Lecture series kicked off with
Ambassador Andrew Young on October 20, 2012 in downtown Oakland, before
an audience of 1,000 people.
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