The Problem: More than 3.5 million public
school students in California are enrolled in the Free or Reduced
Price Meal (FRPM) program, which has a 185% of poverty level income
ceiling. These students struggle to afford the basic yet critical
instructional materials necessary for a quality education. This
material resource gap not only stymies students' confidence and
academic achievement, but also burdens teachers and school
districts. A recent TIME magazine cover story noted that California
teachers spend about $1,500 out-of-pocket annually on school
supplies, roughly $60 per student.
The Solution: The School Supply Initiative (SSI)-a nonprofit operating the largest free school and dental
supply program in California-addresses this material resource gap by providing
under-resourced students with $65-$70 valued grade-appropriate
school supply kits-FREE to students.
YB Limited is a fashion watch
and accessory brand for professionals and is centered on the
philosophy of unlimited possibilities. The brand that has
become synonymous with luxury and elegance was founded in 2005 by
Paul Youngblood and Patrick Martin as Youngblood Timepieces, Inc., a
small company that developed unique blueprints for elegant fashion
watches-combining style, creativity and sophistication for the elite
urban market. Paying it forward is a critical component of YB
Limited as the vision goes beyond becoming an international
YB Limited has joined with the SSI for the
holiday season to purchase school supplies for low income Bay Area
students. With each watch sale from its local retailers, YB
will purchase a school supply kit for one kid.
Hill Harper's
book "The Wealth Cure" inspired YB founder and CEO Patrick Martin to
launch YBelieve, the company's fundraising platform.
This benefit campaign for the
sale of YB fashion watches from retailers will commence Sat.,
Dec. 15th, featuring the launch of the new men's and women's
Limited Edition
Rose Gold
Collection. |
