Last week I escorted a team
of surgeons from the Heart Fund to Haiti. They carried out open heart
surgery on ten children, it was an incredible experience to witness, we
can truly say we looked into their hearts and changed their lives!

of the Heart Fund, as well as Nadia Cherrouk and Nathalie Liautaud of
PADF accompanied me to HUFHs school in Cadet, Haiti. As usual it was a
long arduous journey with the usual flat tire and bumpy roads. Those who
were there for the first time were surprised to find a modern school in
such a remote place, even I was impressed with the changes since my
last visit. We have a new building! Two new classrooms and 45 new
students! It was seeing the familiar young faces which really touched me
though, they've grown wiser, are happy, serious and focused.
We delivered 6 new ASUS computers and loads of toys, books and videos donated by Luc Besson Association.
met with the parent teacher association, led by a parent who has 7
children at the school, and encouraged them to get involved and work on
creating a much needed playground. That's their homework over the coming
months, ours is to keep a place in our hearts for these kids this
holiday season and ensure the school continues to thrive.
Child's monthly education $8
Teacher's monthly salary $200
The annual budget for the school is less than $40 000
Bonne Fetes,
Jimmy Jean-Louis