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Community News

BMagic Community Calendar
January 25, 2013

BMAGIC Community Calendar 1/24/2013
Good Afternoon !
Hope everyone is having a very productive work week. Please come out and enjoy the wonderful events and programming going on in BVHP. Have a great weekend !
Click on link for full Calendar listing:

Items of the Week:

WHO: Urban Ed Academy
WHAT: Pre-Enrollment Fair
WHERE: Everett Middle School, 450 Church St. (at 17th Street) San Francisco, CA 94114
WHEN: Saturday, January 26, 2013, 10 AM -12:30 PM
CONTACT: RSVP to or by calling 415-262-0107
NOTES: Last month we accepted dozens of boys into our 1st UEA class. After hours of fun and education they will be returning this month. We are excited to offer another opportunity for 2nd-5th grade boys and their families to participate in our program. We are launching an all boy Saturday Academy and Summer Program to help elementary aged boys reach their full potential. The bulk of our curriculum will focus of the following areas; academic enrichment, character development, and family support.

WHO: Bayview Opera House
WHAT:/WHERE: Snow Day on Mendell Plaza
WHEN: Saturday, January 26, 11am- 2pm
CONTACT: For more information on this FREE community event, please contact the BVOH at 415-824-0386 or write us at
NOTES: The Bayview Opera House invites you to come out for SNOW DAY right here onThird Street. Plan to wear mittens or gloves so that you can enjoy the cold! There will be 5 tons of real snow delivered, and it will be available for play from 11AM - 2PM. We'll have local duo KB and Danielle playing the guitar and singing for us and some edible treats will be available. There will be supervised igloo and snow man building activities for the kids with Dare 2 Dream teacher and Bayview resident artist, Danielle Satinover, who recently won a "Juror's Choice Award" at SF Open Studios.
WHO: Coleman Advocates for Children & Youth
WHAT: Education Justice Ally Meeting
WHERE: Mission Graduates: 522 Valencia Street, San Francisco, 3rd Floor
WHEN: Tuesday, January 29th, 5:30-7:30pm
CONTACT: For more information and to RSVP please contact Paul at pmonge
NOTES: As we continue to push for additional credit recovery resources, we know that equity and social justice remain elusive for English Language Learners, special education students, and African American, Latino and Pacific Islander students in SFUSD. We invite you to join us for another gathering of Education Justice stakeholders where, together, we will develop our analysis and understanding of the crisis in our schools and the roots of the SFUSD achievement gap and develop a collective vision and plan for creating just schools for ALL children and youth in San Francisco.

Jeaneane Young
BMAGIC Community Outreach Coordinator
San Francisco Office of the Public Defender
555 Seventh Street, Suite 200
San Francisco, CA 94103
Phone: (415) 558-2487
Fax: (415) 553-9646

***Please join us for BMAGIC's next Convener Meeting on Tuesday, February 19th from 1pm-3pm @ 1800 Oakdale Ave, Alex Pitcher Room ***




Please visit for past calendars, community meetings, and more! 
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San Francisco, Ca 94103

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