Heavy are our hearts, How they ache you, Wanting to believe This tragedy not to be true.
Please know in our prayers You are, you will be, Each and every victim, And every family.
Cheerful were the cries As runners ran the race, Yet who would know the terror All would soon face?
May the tears we shed And the many prayers we raise Bring comfort to you As gentle sunrays.
May God's eternal arms Wrap you with His peace As the horror of the day Your soul does release.
In God's eternal heart Please find peace and rest, Knowing He works all things, Even this, for best.
Those who planned this, For you we also pray That you may
repent And follow God's way.
Yes, many prayers we lift, Many tears we now shed For those we lost, For those who bled.
Lord, help us now, Help us to see Your love, Let us embrace Your mercy Streaming from above.
Heal Boston's wounds, Restore her sweet joy, Remove fear from all: Man, woman, girl, boy.
For a race we run One leading to eternal treasure, And in Your presence We find peace without measure.
You are our only hope, Our portion for eternity, So please bless every victim And every family.
Yes, heavy are our hearts, And we lift them to You, Please heal Boston and her people With Your love true. ~**~ John 16:33 These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world. |