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San Francisco Publicist & Activist Jackie Wright Responds to Marcus Bookstore
May 22, 2014


In response to a wonderful friend who reacted to the recent Marcus Bookstore Action Request (MARCUS BOOKS Eviction: The Sweis are Destroying Our Community) by stating the Sweis' bought Marcus Bookstore via a legal auction sale and that both parties should just keep it moving.

Dear Friend,

Please note that I have the highest regard for you, a Proverbs 31 Woman!
The auction may have been legal, but that does not make it righteous… there are a lot of things that are legal but at the core they are wrong and outright evil.
This whole system of how the banks created conditions for predatory loans…
All of this to me leads back to Black businesses were redlined and that has robbed generations… The Community Reinvestment Act is a hoax… that was to repay for the wrongs… 
This is so like Jezebel and Ahab stealing Naboth's vineyard… He refused to give up his inherited land and they created a legal process to take it from him and that process led to his death….They had him killed…legally of course.
I Kings 21
Interesting to realize that after all the hell Jezebel raised even her attacks on the prophet Elijah…it wasn't until she concocted  a plan to steal land, that's when God's judgement fell on her…. the prophecy came in 1 Kings 21…and the actual sentence of the the prophetic judgement happened some time later and is recorded in 2 Kings 9:30-37
33 Then he said, “Throw her down.” So they threw her down, and some of her blood spattered on the wall and on the horses; and he trampled her underfoot. 34 And when he had gone in, he ate and drank. Then he said, “Go now, see to this accursed woman, and bury her, for she was a king’s daughter.”35 So they went to bury her, but they found no more of her than the skull and the feet and the palms of her hands.36 Therefore they came back and told him. And he said, “This is the word of the Lord, which He spoke by His servant Elijah the Tishbite, saying, ‘On the plot of ground at Jezreel dogs shall eat the flesh of Jezebel;[a] 37 and the corpse of Jezebel shall be as refuse on the surface of the field, in the plot at Jezreel, so that they shall not say, “Here lies Jezebel.”’”
The wrong doings of the banks have been recorded in countless articles on the internet… Here are just a few links:

Wells Fargo Bank Benefits from the Slave Trade via its $15.1 billion purchase of Wachovia (;. 

Wells Fargo Bank through its acquisition of Wachovia benefits from Drug Laundering(;

Wells Fargo Tells Woman to Divorce Her Husband and When She does all they say… No modification and they still (STEAL) foreclose. Roxana Zamora's story is in about the 10th paragraph of this story.
The godless people of the banks and the financial system (mammom), the blinded people of God, the overwhelmed people who just don't want to take on another fight, because systems are falling apart in preparation for the conditions of Revelation, all have worked together intentionally and some unintentionally to create the conditions we are in. 
There's the worldwide banking Libor scandal… its obvious that folks got together to make money off the backs of everyday working people ( New Financial Slavery) creating financially deceptive products to cheat and steal from people. It's like in Habakkuk's Prayer in Chapter 3… "Their rejoicing was like feasting on the poor in secret.."
That's what's happening the poor (everyday working people, what's left of the middle class) are being eaten up by laws, practices and policies that are unjust…  Does that mean all the poor people or middle class or everyday working people do no wrong, haven't messed up, have no sin… BY NO MEANS…
But for all the failings, mistakes and "they should have known better," I will side with everyday people over billion dollar banks and corporations, and the unscrupulous folks trying to make a buck at the expense of others….
When the owners of the two cab companies would not resale the property with a decent profit.. I see that as using the legal auction process to steal….
Will the Sweis' be eaten by dogs?… I would not begin to pronounce judgement on them or anyone… Vengeance belongs to God…. but I can pick up the phone and I can say, I think what's happening is wrong… and I don't know the Johnson's… not really…. I have been to their store a few times and bought books….
If their business is attacked and brought down… you better believe that it will be fair game for others to do the same thing to other vulnerable businesses…. Folks are blind to the fact that Black folks in San Francisco have been picked off, one by one… And the Black Leaders… Where are they? Some are positioning themselves to pick up the crumbs from the pie… instead of growing the pie or rather building a pie factory to make  pies….
I say all of this in no disrespect…. It's just my take on things…having been at the brunt end of power…having lost my father in Viet Nam (10), my mother a few years later (16) and  at 20 years raising my 15 year old brother and 10 year old sister until they were grown, working my way through the University of Georgia raising my 14 year old sister and six year old daughter getting two degrees, as an accomplished 3 time Associated Press Award Winning Journalist, an Award Winning Non Profit Leader ( Tiffany Award for Management-Red Cross)… I know what it is to work hard and be stolen from by the whims of the powerful…. but I press on… and with God's help I will prevail… and I hope I continue to have the courage to speak what I understand to be truth…. Where I am wrong, may my Master, the Lord Jesus Christ correct me….and I know He will do so in love…
All the best and Thanks for all you do to give back and work in the community.  You are a Proverbs 31 woman!
P.S. Time for Psalm 22:24-- "He despised not, nor abhorred the affliction of the afflicted".... That's what I love about Jesus.  Folks will get tired of you, if they see you in need, no matter what the need is... Folks will run from you when you need help, even family...But God... Hallelujah... Thank you, Jesus!  "He despised not, nor abhorrs the affliction of the afflicted!  My saving Grace!  It's God's Amazing Grace!

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