Wright Enterprises-Community Spotlight |
Press Release |
Dr. Maya Angelou, 1928-2014
The author of "I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings" is free from this life.
Maya Angelou Photo of 2013 WGHP TV Interview. Click image to hear
the Winston Salem TV Report from the city where she lived and now has died.
The author who spoke six languages is silenced, yet still speaks through her writings.
WINSTON-SALEM, N.C. - Award-winning author, renowned poet and civil rights activist Dr. Maya Angelou has died. She was 86. Winston-Salem Mayor Allen Joines confirmed Angelou was found by her caretaker on Wednesday morning. Angelou's publicist, Helen Brann, also confirmed the news.
Angelou had been reportedly battling health problems. She recently canceled a scheduled appearance of a special event to be held in her honor.
Angelou was set to be honored with the "Beacon of Life Award" at the 2014 MLB Beacon Award Luncheon on May 30 in Houston. (Full Article)
"...Mourn with Those Who Mourn." Romans 12:15
Closer to home....
Dr. Maxine Hickman (3rd from Right), President of the National Coalition of 100 Black Women, comforted by family and friends, May 23, 2014 at New Providence Baptist Church.
Photo Courtesy of Lance Burton, Planet Fillmore Productions
Rev. Timothy Dews of Calvary Hill Community Church, Dr. Victor L. Madearis Pastor Emeritus of Double Rock Baptist Church and Rev. Raynard Hillis, Double Rock Baptist Church, exhort Dr. A. R. Gentle of Cosmopolitan Baptist Church as he speaks of the great service of Brazil McGee.
Photo Courtesy of Lance Burton, Planet Fillmore Productions
Our prayers and thoughts are with Dr. Maxine Hickman, President of the San Francisco Chapter of the National Coalition of 100 Black Women, whose devoted husband Brazil McGee passed Friday, May 16th. Services were held at New Providence Baptist Church, Reverend Dr. Michael Gilmore, Pastor in San Francisco and at New Hope MBC, Reverend Dr. Archie L. Ivy, Pastor in Milwaukee Wisconsin.
In San Francisco Reverend Raynard Hillis of Double Rock Baptist Church presided with Reverend Dr. A. Ray Gentle presenting the eulogy.
For program that includes happier memories of "Maxine and McGee" traveling the world,Click Here.
Added personal note from Jackie Wright:
Having attended the heart warming and inspiring service, it brought home to me the fact that over the years of Black History, many of the talents and gifts of the Black Community have been displayed in the Church...and so it was on May 23rd, as Minister Alex Carr, while playing and singing one of McGee's (also a musician) songs, "How Great Thou Art," made the Hammond B Organ speak to the gatherers. He stroked those keys to say "Wow!"... Yes, unbelievable as it may sound, the organ was made to say "Wow!" And I say "Wow" as I consider the purposeful life of U.S. soldier "McGee" who made a difference with his wife Maxine as they served many foster care children and families, without fanfare, "just doing the will of the Lord." Thank you for your service, McGee! Our prayers are with you Dr. Hickman and family!
I.T. Bookman Community Center Held the First of its "Prosperity Series"
Saturday May 24th
I.T. Bookman's "Foreclosure & Assistance Town Hall Meeting,"
the first of its "Prosperity Series."
Special thanks to Program Participants: Pictured left to right, Jackie Wright (ITB), Teresa Garza (SFHCC), Gil Bingham (ITB), Grace Martinez (ACCE), Attorney Jeannette Fisher- Kuoadio,Vincent Alvarenga (MEDA), Faye Ruben (Legal Shield), Gary Evans (DM Associates), Dan Evans (EDC), Attorney Tiffany Norman, Legal Shield Associate, Don Evans (DM Associates), and Jacquie Taliaferro, SF Filmmaker & Moderator (ACCE). (Photo Courtesy of Carl Barnes, Southwest Community Corporation Chairman).
Next Town Hall Meeting will be "Buying Your Home in San Francisco." Lookout for details.
This Friday, May 30th...It's the I.T. Bookman Community Center Monthly Senior Luncheon, funded in part by the City of San Francisco Office of Aging and Adult Services, saluting "Asian Pacific Islander Month." Call Gil Brigham, Senior Programs Coordinator for more information at 415 586-8020. At 7:00 p.m. It's I.T. Bookman's Southwest Community Corporation Board of Directors Movie Night showing Lee Daniels' "The Butler." It's Free, yet Donations are always welcome to help further the center's program. Coming up soon, 12 Year's a Slave.
"Maison Revolution"- Your Multi-cultural Passport to Black Paris Portal
Find Out More This Saturday, May 31, 6-9. "Oui, Oui"
San Francisco -It's the Maison De La Culture Noire American at the Alliance Francaise. San Franciscans Robin Bates and Connie Bryan launch the multicultural Maison De La Culture Noire American at the Alliance Francaise in San Francisco, May 31, 6-9 p.m.
Enjoy the launch of the Maison Revolution with an evening of film, Jazz and a light faire of fabulous food. "The film showcase "When African Americans Came to Paris" (six short documentary films) will be screened followed by a lively Q&A with U.C. Berkeley professor and author of "Paris Noir: African Americans in the City of Light." Also enjoy the R&B riffs, infectious jazz and funk of Paris based acoustic bassist, Farris Smith.
Be on hand as maisoncna.org salutes the California Music Industry Summit and the San Francisco Black Film Festival, both occurring over the Juneteenth, Father's Day Weekend in Oakland and San Francisco respectively. For Details and tickets for the Maison Revolution launch Click Here.
Corporate Sponsorships are Available, call 415 525 0410 for a sponsorship packet.
Saturday, June 21, 1-5 p.m.
Kelly Armstrong
Artist Development/Imagemaking
5214 F Diamond Heights Blvd #609
San Francisco, CA 94131
Congratulations Kelly on a great program teaching young men to become stakeholders with skills in the tourism industry through the "Primed and Prepped" program at the Bayview YMCA. Keep up the good work. Folks, if you can't attend, you can always send a donation. Help Make a Difference. And those who can, come on out and make Don Cornelius Happy...Dust off your old Soul Train moves and show the youngsters a thing or two... It's a great family event. You always have a good time at FAZ's! Thanks for all your community support FAZ!
California Music Industry Summit & San Francisco Black Film Festival
Heading Your Way in June
When it comes to music and films the two are intertwined, from the days of the organist accompanying the silent movies at theaters to the stellar music soundtracks, the two are a match made in creative heaven. Wright Enterprises salutes CMIS and SFBFF as they salute each other.
 The California Music Industry Summit kicks off with a Industry mixer June 6th at the Parliament in Oakland. Click Here for tickets for the mixer. And visit the CMIS website for the schedule of artist showcases, workshops and panels June 13-15 all happening at the Kaiser Center, 300 Lakeside Drive in Oakland: http://www.cmisummit.com along with the Scholarship and Awards Dinner on Saturday, June 14. Help Send Youth to College!
The San Francisco Black Film Festival honors fathers once again with a call for videos and  written essays (for those on the other side of the digital divide) Get your entries in before June 10th. Past winning fathers treated with a weekend stay at the InterContinental San Francisco (where President Barack Obama stays) include: Lionel Armstrong submitted by author and chef Tiffany Armstrong Gorman and Ray Mascoll adored by daughters Gabriella and Eliza.
Come join the San Francisco Black Film Festival June 12-15 for fun, films, panels, parties and more. The Sixteenth Annual San Francisco Black Film Festival displays an array of diverse themes that inspire the human spirit." It's a must "Be There" for everyone: The Multicultural San Francisco Black Film Festival Sixteen! Celebrate your Father in the Video and Essay Contest. Visit www.sfbff.org for details.
Flipsyde's Piper's "Cops and Robbers" Causes Sensation at U.C. Berkeley Conference on Youth...
Piper's work that examines the dysfunctional relationship between media, law enforcement and the Black community, drew a standing ovation May 21 at the City of Berkeley's Urban Youth of Color Caught in the Cross Fire-Victimization of Youth of Color, Due to the Normalization and Glorification of Structural and Systematic Violence in America.
Hear the "Audience Experience" sampler on the E.P.K. For Mature Audiences. "Cops and Robbers," is more than a one man show with 16 characters all played by "Piper" including the crowd response on the "Audio Experience."
"Believe" from "Cops and Robbers" E.P. CD |
With the curriculum of the book that helps bring solutions to street violence, "Cops and Robbers" is a key that open the hearts of young people with the C.D. backed by the real raw understanding of the streets via the play that has morphed into a three-pronged attack on violence. "Cops and Robbers, the E.P., The Audio Experience" and the book, "Cops and Robbers-Past, Present and The Future.""
"Cops and Robbers" News Release.
Flipsyde's "The Piper" Speaks About
New "Cops and Robbers" Project |
San Francisco acclaimed filmmaker, Kevin Epps, shares the latest from Bay Area Black Journalist as they award scholarships at the annual fundraiser.