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SF Filmmaker Jacquie Taliaferro: "SAY IT LOUD R-E-S-P-E-C-T" Needed at "Get On Up" Screening
October 17, 2014

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Jacquie Taliaferro, Founder, LaHitz Media
Jacquie Taliaferro, LaHitz Media CEO
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Commentary For Immediate Release
July 31, 2014


Get On Up Official Trailer (2014) James Brown Biopic HD
Get On Up Official Trailer (2014) James Brown Biopic HD


(San Francisco, CA) "I'm Black and I'm Proud" one of James Brown's hit songs and one of his most political, up there with "Santa Claus Go Straight to the Ghetto!" There are lots of artists that set the foundation for the Hip-Hop Movement; however in my humble opinion George Clinton and James Brown are the top two.  


Mr. Brown along with others would have been very upset with the treatment of his biggest fans at a private screening in San Francisco on Tuesday (They (the fans) are the ones that went to his concerts and bought his 45's). Elder members of the San Francisco NAACP along with others were treated very rudely by Allied-THA and Cinemark Theater staff. Five elderly attendees were told they would have to wait in a long line. I asked people in line if it would be OK for them to go in first and everyone said "yes." After clearing  it with security grudgingly Allied-THA staff relented and let the elders in the theater.


Unprofessional and culturally insensitive behavior had been displayed earlier in the evening when I tried to introduce myself to Cinemark and Allied-THA staff.  They refused to shake my hand, telling me to "clear the area." I then told them I am with La'HiTz*Media and we are working to PR & Market the film plus we have passes for guests that are coming.  With that knowledge, they continued to be rude and unbusinesslike.


The incidents before the screening made me think of how important the call was by Latino community activists for any projects in their community to not only be bi-lingual but bi-cultural as well.  By demanding bilingualism and biculturalism,  the activists ensure that others who speak their language would not overtake their community with possible insensitivity.  Just because someone speaks your language doesn't mean they understand and appreciate your culture.


After everyone had entered into the theater, I heard the Latino female staffer of Cinemark (same one that would not shake my hand) observed, "It was like dealing with the "Planet of the Apes" as the Asian female Allied-THA screening colleague laughed. They looked over and saw me and then went back into the theater acting as if nothing was wrong with their behavior. 


As James was the King of Soul...Lady Aretha Franklin the Queen of Soul, surely they would call for R-E-S-P-E-C-T!   


Jac Taliaferro - Dir. La'HiTz*Media



"Get On Up" in Theaters with Tate Taylor of "The Help" Directing and Not Spike Lee (See Article by Tambay A. OBenson).





How does Chadwick Boseman Pull Off Brown's Classic Moves?

See USA Today Article:




Creative Jealousy and the Black Independent Filmmaker?  See Andre Seewood's "The Devil's Eye:..."


(Don't forget to read the comments following the articles)




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