March 13, 2025

Community News

San Francisco-Ho Chi Minh City Sister City Committee San Francisco: Agent Orange Update
March 23, 2016

In 2011, Getty Photographer Paula Bronstein chronicled three generations of Vietnamese hurt by Agent Orange. In April 2015 Reuters News Service posted "Legacy of Agent Orange-The Wider Image."  Search these references for a better understanding of the herbicides impact on the Vietnamese.

agent orange


*Vietnam Meetup *

Herbicides were  manufactured by Dow Chemical Company and Monsanto Corporation for use by the U.S. Military during the Vietnam War to defoliate the jungles. Because the majority was  in orange-striped containers, “Agent Orange” has become a stand-in term for all herbicides. It  was highly dangerous and in some locations was used in concentrations hundreds of times greater than levels considered safe by the US EPA. Moreover, the herbicides contained a deadly contaminant-dioxin, one of the most toxic chemicals known to man. As many as 3 million Vietnamese and hundreds of thousands of US veterans have been affected by their exposure to dioxin. It still impacts the people of Vietnam.


Paul Cox, a Marine veteran of the Vietnam War, and Chair of the American Legion War Memorial Commission, and Dr. Robert Owen, the Environmental Health Physician at the San Francisco VA Medical Center, and also  a professor of Medicine and Epidemiology and Biostatistics  at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF), will discuss current issues revolving around Agent Orange at this Meetup.


Please join us on Wednesday, March 30th  at Veterans’ War Memorial Building, 401 Van Ness Avenue (Room 206) in San Francisco, for this presentation. If you have any other interest in issues related to Vietnam, please feel free to attend and meet others who share your concerns. You can also learn about other exciting programs that the committee is planning for 2016.




Ø Learn about the May Awards Celebration and our plans to visit to Vietnam in July.


Ø Learn more about the committee’s language, trade, art, biotechnology, healthcare, transportation, urban planning and other programs.


Ø Mingle with committee members, civic and governmental officials who have an interest in Vietnam.


We are completing our 20th year of creating programs that have as their goal the improvement  of life of the people of Vietnam.


Join Us for Information and a Good Time


Bring your friends!

Veterans’ War Memorial Building

401 Van Ness Avenue, Room 206

San Francisco, CA

March 30, 2016

5:30 – 8:30 P.M.




 For more information, contact us at (415) 447-6075 or


Coming Sister City Activities
1. Meetup - Agent Orange Update
March 30, 2016
Veterans' War Memorial
401 Van Ness Avenue, Room 206
San Francisco
5:30 - 8:30 PM

2. 2016 Awards Dinner
May 26, 2016
Marines' Memorial Club and Hotel
609 Sutter Street, San Francisco
6:00 - 10:PM

3. 2016 Economic and Goodwill Mission to Vietnam
Celebrate 4th of July in Vietnam

Celebrating 20 Years of Citizen Diplomacy

George G. Saxton
Executive Director
San Francisco - Ho Chi Minh City Sister City Committee
Board Member, Northern California Sister Cities International
(415) 447-6075 (Website: Join us at FACEBOOK
The Committee is a non-political educational people to people program. It is organized under the laws of the state of California, and is recognized as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation by the Internal Revenue Service. FEIN: 94-3198119.

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