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4/5/16 KGO Next Generation, Really?!...
April 5, 2016

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Wright Enterprises-Community Spotlight
Wright Enterprises-Community Spotlight Press Release
April 4, 2016
KGO "Next Generation" Happens Tuesday, April 5th
KGO TV's Larry Biel and Ama Daetz introduce Kristen Sze's report on KGO Radio's layoffs March 31, 2016.
San Francisco-It Happened March 31...the mass firings at KGO RADIO 810. The realization for many came on Friday, April 1st with folks asking if the news was an April Fool's joke.  Well it's not.
From Original Announcements last week:
Cumulus Media announces that Bay Area Radio Hall of Famer Ronn Owens, KGO 810 talk host for 40 years, will move to sister station 560 KSFO, where he will host Afternoon Drive from 3:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m., starting Monday, April 4, 2016. Owens moves from the 9:00 a.m.-12:00 Noon shift on KGO 810. He announced his new radio station home on KGO 810 this morning.
Well the "Next Generation of KGO" has morphed already.  Ronn Owens is back on KGO 10 a.m.-12 noon because people spoke up.  Let's hope they continue to speak up and out about all media coverage. 
According to the latest announcements and the on-air nonstop loop of the "Next Generation" commercial. I listened for a half an hour this morning to try to get a better sense of what will be happening.I was very disheartened.  Every time I have tuned in, it was only the non-stop loop.  You can listen live or should I say listen canned for yourself.  All male voices except the female voice announcing the station's call letters and introducing the loop of all male talk show hosts.
Freedom of the Press is key to our democratic process.  Misinformation or no information impacts decision-making.  When a "Tweet" speaks volumes and there is no or limited media companies with integrity to set records straight our democracy is open to quick demise.  Trump and Cruz playing the dozens with Tweets about their wives, now that shows leadership.  Solid media companies need to be in place to redirect political conversations.
Broadcasters make their money via the public airwaves as a result the FCC originally required that broadcasters serve in the public interest.  Not so much these days as a result of deregulation. Most insiders began to see the beginning of the end of diversity of voice and public service with deregulation.  "Serving in the public interest wasn't perfect in the good old days and it has diminished tremendously.  Just one example is the PSA- from 60 seconds, to 30 seconds to now 15 seconds as the norm. Public Affairs Departments and Public Affairs Shows were eliminated or replayed over sister stations, cutting down content and access for the public.  With all the money to be made, public service became of little interest.  
Peruse CNN Founder Ted Turner 's warnings in "My Beef With Big Media back in the day:"  
Now more than ever strong media companies with integrity are needed.  It's no time to just "hollah and throw up both your hands".  Changes in media or not, somebody needs to watch "the watchdog of government."  Organizations like the Bay Area's  Media Alliance need your financial support and input more than ever. Barbara Rodgers and other founders of BABJA were spot on when they saw the need for the organization years ago and needed now more than ever.  The importance of the San Francisco Bayview and other independent media increases with news like this from KGO Radio. Invest in independent media and organizations that are at least trying to bring "fair and balanced" back into the media equation.
Don't sleep at the wheel concerning media or you'll find our country will have been driven off the cliff with no first responders on hand to help.  If it's true that as California goes, so goes the country, especially in light of so many stations being owned by a handful of companies, a dumb downed democracy is coming quickly and democracy as we know it as imperfect as it is, will be a dark shadow choking the freedom of our children and their children's children.  Talk about the Dark Ages.
Links to Reports on KGO Radio that you may want to read. 
Former KGO Staffer Claudia Lamb bravely gives her opinion about the happenings at KGO Radio. That's a rare move as most media people would be concerned about being black balled.
KGO and Death of Radio  by Claudia Lamb March 31, 2016
End of An Era: KGO Lays off News Staff by Joe Fitzgerald Rodriguez March 31,2016
Message from Brian Copeland Who Survived the Cuts at KGO Radio
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Nielsen's State of the African American Consumer-- November 11, 2011
What Happened at KGO Radio December 1, 2011, Does it Matter?-- December 9, 2011
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John D. Ehrlichman_ appointed counsel to the White House,is seen in 1968. (AP Photo). Photo and Story in San Francisco Bayview Newspaper.
"You want to know what this was really all about?" he asked with the bluntness of a man who, after public disgrace and a stretch in federal prison, had little left to protect. "The Nixon campaign in 1968, and the Nixon White House after that, had two enemies: the antiwar left and Black people. You understand what I'm saying? We knew we couldn't make it illegal to be either against the war or Black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and Blacks with heroin, and then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities. We could arrest their leaders, raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news. Did we know we were lying about the drugs?
Of course we did."  
Good News From Oakland...
Congratulations to David Roach and Team As they Launch the 14th Oakland International Film Festival, Tuesday, April 5th
On Tuesday, April 5th, Filmmakers are landing on Jack London Square at Lungomare from all over the world. The official "Filmmaker Lounge" will begin at 1:00p.m. with Red Carpet/ Filmmaker question / answer session. From 2-5 p.m. Along with the mixing and mingling of filmmakers, P. Harrell Wines
will be pouring her latest wines.

Oakland-- Here's the word directly from Director and Founder, David Roach---
"Greetings! On behalf of the Oakland Film Society we invite you to join us for the 14th Oakland International Film Festival (OIFF) from April 5-9, 2016. This year OIFF will screen more than 50 films, host filmmaker panels, and celebrate independent films while supporting Oakland businesses. Screenings and panels will take place at the historic Grand Lake Theater, Holy Names University, Impact Hub Oakland, Geoffrey's Inner Circle and other venues to be announced. 
We are excited to announce that this year's opening night film will be the documentary Ghost Town to Havana, a film that demonstrates our interest in connecting films to community. Director Eugene Corr begins this film on the baseball diamond of Nichol Park in Richmond, California and tells the story of his father's influence in bringing baseball to Eugene's life. Years later, the Ghost Town (West Oakland) team and a boys' team from Havana, Cuba compete and discover similar life lessons. In this journey of sports, culture and community, lessons are learned for all ages. Our mission is to promote filmmakers and their stories to better understand ourselves, our communities and the world around us."
Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf joined the fun last year with her winning smile. Expectation is that she'll salute OIFF's great work again this year.
Past Fun Moments at the Oakland International Film Festival... 
From Panels to Parties to Provoking Food For Thought Films...Don't Miss the Oakland International Film Festival...
David Roach & Filmmakers at 2015 OIFF news conference at Joyce Gordon Gallery. Thank you Johnnie Burrell for this great photo!
Reception in the Oakland Hills with David_ Roach Zsa Zsa_ World Famous John Handy 
and J.W. of W.E.
Chef Faz greeted David Roach and Jackie Wright at OIFF reception at his downtown Oakland Faz Restaurant.
Filmmakers from around the world attened the OIFF. A news conference was held in their honor at Oakland City Hall.
Jimmy Jean-Louis as Toussaint L_ Overture opened the 2014 OIFF. A Friend of OIFF, his independent film "Life Outside the Pearl" was screened at the 2009 OIFF and was feted at a reception at the home of arts patrons, designer Jackie Brown and real estate broker Ernest Clark.
Red Carpet Moments at Grand Lake Theater Opening of Oakland International Film Festival Back in the Day in the other City by the Bay.
Jacquie Taliaferro talks to Arif Khatib, Olympian Rosie Bonds Kreidler, Tennis Great Don Johnson, Actress Diane Amos, Belva Davis, William Moore, Gerry Dove, Entertainer Kelda, Farah Dew's Filmmaking Class Students, Virgil Carter (Eddie Murphy's Stunt Double) & Community Leaders. (Music by Ashton Craig. Edited by Chuck Three Productions. Event Produced by Jackie Wright of Wright of Wright Enterprises.)
Working with David Roach to develop good news to contrast the usual Oakland headlines, I Learned Early On-That the Oakland International Film Festival is "NOT A BLACK FILM FESTIVAL!" The Focus is not just the Black Community's Voice.  It's about Oakland reaching out to filmmakers from around the world.  It's for the World to See Oakland in a Positive Light!   Don't miss out on the Oakland International Film Festival.  It's more than a film festival.  It's a cultural experience that promotes "Made in Oakland," Volunteerism, Access to Healthy Food, Black Farmers and other organizations such as Maison de la Culture Noire Americaine with Robin Bates Founder and Co Director Constance Bryan. and the San Francisco Black Film Festival.  
Love the Team Work of David Roach, founder of the Oakland International Film Festival and Kali O'Ray, Co-Director with Katera Crossley of the San Francisco Black Film Festival, founded by the late great arts impresario Ave Montague.  It's great to see the mutual support.
Photo from SF Bayview Newspaper article by J.R. Valrey.
Congratulations to Kelly Armstrong founder of the Bayview Y's "Primed and Prepped" Culinary Program- Iron Chef Challenge Great Success!
Click Images for the Story with Video.
KTVU Anchor Julie Haener and Reporter Jana Katsuyama
Primed and Prepped Students Work with Top Bay Area Chefs 
for Iron Chef Challenge Trophy.
Guests at City College Chinatown Enjoy the Fare from Bayview Y "Primed and Prepped" Students Their Famous Chef Team Captains.
Getting in the television culinary challenge Kelly Armstrong founder and director of "Primed and Prepped" gets into the character of "Sweetie Pie" from the Oprah Winfrey Network with that signature red chef jacket (a contrast from the traditional white jacket).
Kelly Armstrong has been named "Woman of the Year" by San Francisco Business and Professional Women, Inc. (Details Coming Soon!)
Wright Enterprises-Community Spotlight
You can make a difference.  Let's help Miles get an internship with NASA.  Check your databases!   
"I am currently in my junior year at San Francisco University High School, a nationally-ranked private high school in San Francisco. I have a wide variety of interests and activities, excelling in my studies, sports, music, and community service. In addition, I have a special interest in STEM fields, especially math.
I have received A's in every class I've taken with the small exception of one B+ in Spanish my freshman year of high school. I enjoy the more academically challenging courses. This semester, I am taking Decision Theory, AP US History, Jazz Ensemble, Spanish 3, a creative writing English class called Stories, and Honors Physics. Also, outside ofmy official classes, I am independently studying for the AP Microeconomics exam and studying with my Spanish teacher for the AP Spanish Language exam."
Contact information:
Miles is the son of NaNoshka Johnson, founder of Nosh's Dirty Popcorn.
Leadership San Francisco

Wright Enterprises-Community Spotlight, P.O. Box 884714, San Francisco, CA 94188

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