Final Performances This Weekend!
Show Must Close April 17, 2016
by George Stevens Jr.
The Lorraine Hansberry Theatre (LHT) presents an encore run of THURGOOD April 7-17, 2016 in the Buriel Clay Theater at the African American Art and Culture Complex, 762 Fulton Street, San Francisco, after sold-out audiences for the Bay Area Premiere at the Creativity Theater last July.
Final shows this weekend -- must close Sunday!
John Marshall (left) congratulates Steven Anthony Jones on the portrayal of his father Justice Thurgood Marshall on the set of THURGOOD.
(Photo: Gina Snow)
THURGOOD is an eye-opening, humorous and personal portrait of a true American Civil Rights hero.This powerful one-man play was first produced on Broadway in April 2008 starring Laurence Fishburne ('Black-ish). Directed by Margo Hall, LHT's production features Artistic Director Steven Anthony Jones as Thurgood Marshall, a defining American character of the 20th Century, who rose from the back alleys of Baltimore to become the first African-American Justice appointed to the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) 1967.
On Thursday, April 7th, Thurgood Marshall's own son, John, and granddaughter, Cecelia Marshall, who were visiting from the East Coast, came to see the show. After the performance, they were the first to give a standing ovation for Steven Anthony Jones' portrayal of their beloved father and grandfather.
Thurgood Marshall was the right man at the right time. As a civil rights lawyer, he argued Brown v. Board of Education in front of the Supreme Court, and won, which paved the way for desegregation. He faced and overcame many hurdles and indignities, including a brush with a lynching attempt that was thwarted, as he fought for equal rights for all American citizens.
With a current vacancy on the Supreme Court and President Obama's nominee contested by the Senate Majority leader and with the contentious 2016 U.S. Presidential Primary race in full swing, the Lorraine Hansberry Theatre's production serves as a pertinent and timely reminder of just what it took to fight for and win equal civil and voting rights through the courageous efforts of citizens such as Thurgood Marshall.
Thirty-minute talkbacks will follow Saturday (Eva Paterson), and Sunday
(Pamela Price) matinee performances for thought-provoking discussions between the audience, the artist and community leaders about the impact of desegregation, civil rights then and now, the struggle it took to win equal voting rights and why it is important to exercise your right to vote, especially during the Primary Elections.
FINAL SHOWS -- MUST CLOSE April 17, 2016!
Or, purchase tickets at the door. Box Office opens one hour prior to curtain times.
TICKETS: $25 Adults; $20 Seniors (65+) & Students (21 & Under); $15 Children (12 & Under); 10% discount groups of 10-25. For larger groups, contact the Box Office.
Thursday, April 14, 7:30 pm
Saturday, April 16, 7:30 pm
Email: BoxOffice@LHTSF.org
Or, purchase tickets at the door. Box Office opens one hour prior to curtain times.
VENUE: Buriel Clay Theater
762 Fulton Street (near Webster)
San Francisco. Parking is available.
(Left to right) John Marshall, Steven Anthony Jones, Cecelia Marshall and Margot Hall on the set of THURGOOD in the Buriel Clay Theater April 7, 2016 (Photo: Gina Snow) |
(KQED Radio -- July 21, 2015) Click the forum logo above to listen to the archived interview of KQED Radio Host Michael Krasny talking with LHT's Artistic Director Steven Anthony Jones about U.S. Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall and his role in LHT's Bay Area Premiere production of THURGOOD last July 2015.
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