March 13, 2025

Community News

ACCE: Struggle Against Displacement Continues
April 21, 2016

Dear Ally


As you know, there is a housing and displacement crisis being driven by speculators buying up every property they can and developers building multi-million dollar condominiums that only the rich can afford.


But did you know that at the root of this housing crisis is the Realtor’s Association.  At the local, state, and national level, they are the biggest political lobbying action committee driving a luxury housing and displacement agenda.

Since 2013, the California Association of Realtors (CAR) has spent over $11 Million to have undue influence on State housing policy.  In 2014 and 2015, they led on efforts to kill important renter protections from speculators through Ellis Act Reform.  Last year the National, State and Local affiliates colluded to spend $5.5 Million Dollars in San Francisco alone to define land use policy.  SFAR also hired the local Democratic Party Chair as their chief lobbyist to make sure the local Democratic Party supported candidates and policies that met the Realtor’s Association agenda driving displacement and increased profits for luxury housing developers.

We can change this and you can help by getting involved with Tenants Together and many allies like ACCE Action and Courage Campaign to expose the influence of real estate money and pass  real policies and investment for affordable housing.


What you can do:


1.     Attend our Action to Stop Profit Driven Displacement Thursday, April 21st 12 Noon at the corner of VanNess and McAllister


2.     Sign the Petition:   Get involved in exposing the influence of Real Estate and throw a wrench in their speculator agenda!


3.     Help Gather Petitions:  Volunteer to talk to other tenants so we can make the wealthy pay their fair share in taxes, instead of using millions to decide city policy and get more tenants involved to win an affordable city. 

NOTE:   we have a few paid positions.  If you like talking to people and can commit at least 15 hours before April 28th, we can help you earn some money for rent!  

Email the following information.

-        You can volunteer for a few hours OR work (pay is $15 - $25 per hour)

-        Which days and hours you are available from now until April 28th

-        Any experience you have had signature/petition gathering

-        Your Phone number

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