March 13, 2025

Community News

Silicon Valley Black Chamber of Commerce E-News May 2016
May 9, 2016

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SVBCC Newsletter
May 2016  
VOL 57
Important Business & Community News for You
Table of Contents
  Section 4 - Last Chance - Buy Tickets/Ad to LA dinner to honor politicians
Advertise your Business Here!
Opportunity to reach nearly 5,000 people
$40 for Members
 ~ $75 for Non-Members
Call 408.288.8806 for more info!
Juneteenth - it's Fun, Exciting and Different this year!!!
An Historic Agreement with the African American Community Service Agency and the Hispanic & Black Chambers of Commerce along with the help of the Filipino American Chamber and the Chinese and Vietnamese communities is helping Juneteenth to become the "largest multi-cultural community connection celebration in Northern California".

After this Monday go to to see the "New Look" for Juneteenth which now celebrates the fredoom of all cultures and heritages here in Silicon Valley.    

There will be a Tech Pavilion, showing off Silicon Valley technology like only we can. 

There will be a Health & Wellness pavilion where you will learn about the latest in health services along with an opportunity for private screenings. 

Learn about your own heritage or someone else's heritage inside our Heritage pavilion. 

Want a job? Bring your resume and talk to employers who are looking for you or find out how you can continue your education inside our Education, Job Fair pavilion.

Sample the many different types of foods and cusine or just let the kids have fun with our "pop up playground" or enjoy the soulful Latin jazz sounds of world renown Pete Escovedo and his Latin band.    
There is something for Everyone and if you get there before 1pm its FREE Admission.  
General Admission tickets otherwise are $5 per person or you can go on-line and buy a $10 "No Waiting in Line" or if you'd like a seat in front of the stage in a prime section reserved for you, then purchase the $20 Limited Reserved seats. Each of these you can buy for both days if you like.  So get your tickets "On-Line" before June 1st and be a part of one of our raffles for FREE !!!  Win Cash & Prizes 
If you like this idea and concept of bringing our cultures together and you want to help make it happen call us and become a "Community Champion" and personally be a part of promoting this festival. We do special things for special people like community champions.  Call (408-288-8806)
TechSgopJohnny Clarke leads TechShop Tour - Friday May 13th 11:30am
Last year the California Franchise of TechShops' produced more than $20M in new employee salaries, in an economy expected to reach 200 Trillion dollars in the next 4-5 years, based on Silicon Valley Investment in IOT 
Want to know how you can participate...
read more  
Silicon Valley Black Chamber Mixer
Ola's Exotic Coffee & Teas

Come join the Silicon Valley Black Chamber of Commerce as we host another chamber Mixer at Ola's Exotic Coffee & Tea store in downtown San Jose. 
Mix, mingle and hear what is happening in our community with business and other employment opportunities. 
Sample organic one of a kind exotic coffee and teas from Africa. Come and taste for yourself.
Our goal is to help make your business as efficient and profitable as possible. Come and see how we can help you with your business.
Ask about SBDC 1-on-1 Consultative assistance. 
COCLast Chance !!
Promote Your Business and Attend statewide Political Fundraiser !!
California's Black Chamber Presidents 

Read about Event (click here)

Your Business can benefit by:
Securing an Ad in the souvenir program booklet with our SV Black Chamber for just $125 
(Sorry ONLY 4 businesses can participate this year at this rate) 
1st come 1st serve, so call NOW !!! (408) 288-8806

Our goal is to help your business be known through-out the state. 

Chamber Needs:  (Interns & Volunteers)
  • Interns/Volunteers for positions below (more info)
  • Project Manager
  • Events Coordinator/Planner
  • Data Researcher
  • Admin help and support
Internships available at chamber NOW !!!
Chamber Membership
Talk to us about the "VALUE" of being a Silicon Valley Black Chamber of Commerce member.
If you're serious about your business, then join our chamber: 
We can show you how to START, FINANCE, GROW and even EXIT your business for more profit.

Our goal is to help make your business as efficient and profitable as possible. We will work with you to help solve your business problems, while understanding that you have limited resources and a limited budget.
Contact our Membership Director, Felicia Davis

Saturday May 21
 9:00am to 1:00pm

Coyote Point Park
1701 Coyote Point Dr.
San Mateo, CA 
FARMERS MARKET IS BACK!!!!!!!!!!  Starts May 4
  • Diversity Technology Meetup, May 24th, 6Pm DSA/Samsung VR event. More info (link)
  • SVAD Local Company reaches $100K Milestone (Sunday May 15th)
  • Protect Your Digital Life - Add Security to Your Everyday Online ActivitiesMay 24th 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
  • Difficult people in your life????  Learn how to deal with conflict in your work life as well as your personal life.  3 more FREE sessions
    (register here)
  • San Jose Juneteenth (Sat/Sun) June 18th & 19th Vendors get your business booth NOW!!! Don't wait as Vendor booths will Sell OUT !!  Chamber Business Members get booth discounts until May 20th, call for more details (408-288-8806)   Vendor Packet Info        Vendor Registration 
Social Media Connects  "You & Our SV Black Chamber"
Like us on Facebook  Like us on Facebook  (link)   Only need 112 more likes
Follow us on Twitter  Follow us on Twitter   (link)
See our YouTube Channel  View our videos on YouTube  (link)

Stay Connected with our chamber for "sponsorship" opportunities and other "value added" promotions we do for our members using social media. 
Got an idea on how to promote your product or service through our chamber connections, follow us on Twitter and Facebook.
Carl Davis, Jr
President/Executive Director
John C. Shaw
Assistant to the President

25 N. 14th Street
Suite 505
San Jose, CA  95112
408.288.8806 Office
Important Chamber Contacts
Alicia OwensOffice Management
Felicia Davis
Membership Coordinator
Karl Welch
Events - Program Mgr
Karriem Abdul Al-Bari
Social Media Director

The Importance of "Staying Connected"


We believe that our newsletter helps YOU stay connected to important news and information about the San Jose and surrounding business community affairs.


We also cover issues that pertain to the Silicon Valley, state and national black community across the nation.


You can "opt" to be just on our "monthly newsletter" Group so you only get emails from the chamber once a month. But don't "opt" OUT unless you must.

Being connected is about being informed and at the end of the day, we want to spend our time and our service wisely.


Thank You for staying "connected" to our Silicon Valley Black Chamber of Commerce


**** To be placed on the Monthly Newsletter ONLY list (reply saying Please place me on Monthly Newsletter ONLY List).  You will not receive other emails from the chamber during that Month !!!  ******


Facebook   Twitter    View our videos on YouTube 
Silicon Valley Black Chamber of Commerce, 25 N. 14th Street, Suite 505, 4th Floor , San Jose, CA 95112

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