LHT presents a staged reading in association with
Museum of the African Diaspora
Saturday, May 21st 2016, 2 PM
Lorraine Hansberry Theatre's ongoing "Bringing the Art to the Audience" (BATA) staged reading series continues at MoAD on May 21st at 2 PM. Interactive discussion with the cast and director follows the reading.
Craigslisted explores the struggles of a young woman who is trying to put herself through college without any financial support and what she's willing to do to pay for her education. As the cost of education and living expenses continue to rise, funding an education is an uphill battle. Multiple studies show that the majority of "millennial" students face an extremely high amount of student debt for their efforts, which many times does not correlate with the average salary received after graduation. The play also interweaves the dangerous role social media has taken in our lives and the large amount of time spent looking at electronic devices instead of interacting with those around us. Throughout the play, the major themes of acceptance, friendship, women in education and perseverance are also explored.
About the Playwright: Sharai Bohannon is currently working on herMFA in Playwriting at Texas Tech University (TTU). A handful of her one-acts have been produced as part of the Richard Herman Blackbox Program at University of Central Missouri, Late Night at the Lantern program at The Lantern Theatre in Conway, Arkansas, Bishop Arts Theatre Center inDallas, Texas, and at Texas Tech University. Her first full-length script, Craigslisted, was selected to be part of Texas Tech University'sSchool of Theatre and Dance's Wild Wind Performance Lab 2015 before premiering in TTU's current lab season. Bohannon has been writing in various capacities since she was old enough to hold a pencil.
VENUE: Museum of the African Diaspora (MoAD), 685 Mission Street (at 3rd St.), San Francisco, www.MoADSF.org.
LHT's BATA staged reading series is funded in part by
Monday, June 20 at 7:30 pm
One Night Only
Lorraine Hansberry Theatre joins over 40 theater companies, museums and institutions across the nation for
Buriel Clay Theater in San Franicsco
"Black Theater in America is alive...it's strong...it's vital!"
Written by Lolita Chakrabarti
Directed by Margo Hall
London, 1833. No black man has ever starred on a British stage-not even as Othello-unti l tonight. Starring Carl Lumbly as Ira Aldridge, a young black American, who breaks more than the color barrier as he battles the entrenched social and theatrical norms of his day, going on to become a living legend, lauded from the footlights of Stratford to the halls of Saint Petersburg. Click here to learn more.