ZA Literary News: the 20th Time of the Writer International Festival (13 – 18 March 2017)
February 21, 2017
Special Thanks to Vee Govender of Govender & Associates of Durban, South Africa for sending W.E. Community Spotlight literary news highlighting the work of the late UCLA Professor Mazisi Kunene, first poet laureate for President Nelson Mandela. His wife founder of the Mazisi Kunene Foundation, dedicated to his work of preserving the Zulu language, Mrs. Mathabo Kunene, who was recently feted in San Francisco and Los Angeles will take part in the festival.
- Created: 24 January 2017

Announcement of the 20th Time of the Writer International Festival
(13 – 18 March 2017)
The University of KwaZulu-Natal’s Centre for Creative Arts (CCA), in partnership with eThekwini Municipality, will host the 20th Time of the Writer International Festival from 13 to 18 March 2017.
Time of the Writer is one of the largest and longest-running literature festivals in Africa. Over the years, it has hosted a wide variety of internationally-acclaimed thought leaders from all over the world, with the main focus on Africa.
Approximately 20 writers from South Africa, Africa and different parts of the world will feature in this year’s week-long edition. This year’s edition will include a variety of roundtable discussions, readings, seminars, book launches, and developmental programmes such as workshops, master classes and motivational talks.
Mr. David wa Maahlamela, Director of the CCA, said: “This year marks the second decade of the Time of the Writer thus we have a full programme that includes the launching of a national literary gem, uNodumehlezi kaMenzi, an isiZulu version of (the late) Professor Mazisi Kunene’s internationally-acclaimed Emperor Shaka the Great. As we successfully celebrated the 20th edition of Poetry Africa last year, this edition, under the theme ‘The past paving the future’, is also going to be spectacular.”
The festival will also host workshops in schools, community arts centres, tertiary institutions and prisons in Durban and Pietermaritzburg. As usual, the evening programme will be at the Elizabeth Sneddon Theatre, Howard College Campus (UKZN).
Organised by the Centre for Creative Arts (University KwaZulu-Natal), the 20th Time of the Writer is supported by the City of Durban, the KZN Department of Arts and Culture, the National Department of Arts and Culture, the Mazisi Kunene Foundation, the Goethe Institut, and the Alliance Francaise Durban. The Centre for Creative Arts is housed in the College of Humanities’ School of Arts at the University of KwaZulu-Natal.
Media Enquiries: Ms Xoliswa Zulu (PR Manager)
University of KwaZulu-Natal
Tel: 031 260 1868 Cell: 071 608 3212
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