March 13, 2025

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SF Bayview: US barred Dr. Narcisse Presidency; John Burris Sues Rapper; SF Black Film Festival, June 15-19 & More News
April 23, 2017


Sent Courtesy of Mary Ratcliff, Editor of San Francisco Bayview Newspaper

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US imperialism barred Dr. Narcisse from Haitian presidency – meet her Sunday, April 23, 2017


The Bay View urges you to join the Haiti Action Committee and the Haiti Emergency Relief Fund in welcoming Dr. Maryse Narcisse to Oakland on Sundayat 3 p.m. This is their announcement:

Danny Glover, actor and long-time solidarity activist, says: “What a great honor it is to have Dr. Narcisse visit us in California. She has risked her life for democracy, freedom and human rights in Haiti – this is our chance to show her all the love and solidarity that we can offer. As a long-time supporter of the Haiti Emergency Relief Fund and the wonderful work they have done to accompany the grassroots movement in Haiti, I urge everyone to do what you can to make this fundraiser a success.”

Haiti Action Committee presents Dr. Maryse Narcisse Haitian grassroots leader and presidential candidate and music by the Vukani Mawethu Choir and Phavia Kugichagulia and Val Serrant on Sunday, April 23, 2017, 3-5 p.m., at the First Presbyterian Church of Oakland, 27th Street and Broadway. This is a benefit for the Haiti Emergency Relief Fund: Admission is $10-$25 sliding scale, but no one will be turned away.

Please join us in welcoming Dr. Maryse Narcisse, the presidential candidate of Fanmi Lavalas, the party of Haiti’s first democratically elected president, Jean-Bertrand Aristide. As a medical doctor, Dr. Narcisse led the Aristide Foundation’s medical response after the 2010 earthquake and Hurricane Matthew. This is her first visit to the Bay Area.

Over the past two years, Haiti’s popular movement has fought a relentless campaign for free and fair elections in support of Dr. Narcisse’s candidacy. They fought to overturn the results of fraudulent elections that gave the presidency to a U.S.-backed right wing candidate.

A long-time Lavalas militant, Dr. Narcisse has been in the streets with the people day after day, as they faced police bullets, tear gas, water hoses and clubs.

Note: Dr. Narcisse will also be speaking at Claremont in Los Angeles County onMonday, April 24, 20177-9 p.m., at Scripps College, 1030 Columbia Ave, Claremont CA 91711, in Balch Auditorium.

To reach the Haiti Emergency Relief Fund, go to For more information, go to or call 510-483-7481 or email Haiti Action Committee at

Indulge in some recent stories and discover new ones every day ...


News & Views


John Burris files suit against rapper Young Jeezy for the 2014 killing of Eric Johnson

Attorney Adante Pointer of the Law Offices of John L. Burris filed and served a First Amended Complaint in Santa Clara County Superior Court specifically naming Jay Way Jenkins, aka Young Jeezy, Live Nation and other persons affiliated with the Under the Influence Tour as defendants in a wrongful death lawsuit for the murder of well-known San Francisco Bay Area based concert and party promoter and loving father, Eric Johnson II. Pointer is incensed by what he considers a botched investigation and cover-up.


Damian Ochoa’s nightmare on Chinook Court, Treasure Island

As Phase One of Treasure Island redevelopment gets under way, the Island’s subsidized and market rate residents are experiencing increasing intimidation and harassment and fewer services. Damian Ochoa, a seven-year market rate renter in good standing at John Stewart’s “The Villages,” describes intensifying “habitability issues,” amounting to prohibited Eighth Amendment “cruel and unusual punishment,” officiated over by John Stewart Property Manager Dan Stone.


Bay View turns 40! (Finally posted this Part 1 and Part 2 of our historical sketch on the Bay View published in print last year)

It’s 2016, 40 years since Muhammad al-Kareem founded the New Bayview, now renamed the San Francisco Bay View, in 1976. Inspired by Malcolm X, he wanted to bring a newspaper like Muhammad Speaks to Bayview Hunters Point. He’ll tell the story of those early years, and I’ll pick it up now at the point when my wife Mary and I took over in 1992. Watching our first paper roll through the huge two-story tall lumbering old press at Tom Berkley’s Post Newspaper Building on Feb. 3, 1992, was a feel-like-flying thrill we’ll never forget.

Bay View turns 40! Part 2

Now, as the San Francisco Bay View newspaper’s 40th birthday year comes to a close, is the time to bring up to date the historical sketch of our paper that I began with Part 1 in the January paper. Piles of old papers rest on my desk, waiting to be read once again – a banquet of stories and pictures of our lives, our hopes, our goals. Let me let you taste the flavor of the freedom we continue to fight for in the age of Trump.


Weapons of mass deflection by Mumia

When the sexual scandal involving his young intern almost engulfed his presidency, Clinton ordered missile attacks on a pharmaceutical factory in the Middle East, Al Shifa. Clinton critics derided this attack as “Monica bombs,” meant to deflect from the rising flood of scandal. President D.J. Trump’s bombing of a Syrian airfield, with scant proof of Syrian state involvement in a recent chemical weapons attack, seems pretty Clintonian to me.


Neo-Nazi pro-Trump rally: Civil war in Berkeley – no cops

Went out to MLK Civic Center Park in downtown Berkeley to watch fight after fight after fight take place between neo-Nazi pro-Trump supporters and folks who came out to defend against fascism and to defend the Bay. For the most part, the Trump folks who were bold enough to wave flags and chant “F— the Bay and Build a Wall” got stomped out over and over again. One cat, after talking smack, got beat so bad they had to haul him off to the hospital.


Empowerment Summit for Formerly Incarcerated Students and Families at Merritt College April 19-20

MIT professor says top US officials fabricated intelligence to justify attacking Syria

God squares off with the devil in Syria and Rwanda

Police supremacy rising: What if brutalized United Airlines passenger had been Black

NAACP says electricity is a basic human right, demands end to power shutoffs

Chief William Scott, SF’s new Black police chief, meets the community

Kagame’s jobs program: War

New bipartisan bill in Congress would ban the box, help formerly incarcerated people get work

How to end construction union racism: Start a Black union

The truth about reverse mortgages: Easy cash – or headed for a crash

Oakland’s affordable housing threatened by Trump’s proposed $6.2 billion budget cut to HUD

How the US Navy exposed a Treasure Island mother and daughter to radiation levels higher than humans can tolerate

Krip Hop Nation’s Leroy Moore journeys to South Africa

Ain’t no statute of limitations on genocide!

Gentrifying West Oakland: ‘They wanted the building to burn’


Behind Enemy Lines


Planted weapons and stolen property: Mounting retribution for continued exposures of abuses in Texas prisons by Rashid

My regular readers know I’ve come under recent fire for exposing abuse and corruption in Texas prisons. Despite outside protests and support, retaliations have escalated and most recently culminated in officials directing outright criminal acts at me, including guards I’ve reported on recovering a weapon from the scene of an altercation and planting it in my cell the next day, and guards confiscating most of my belongings (again) with the intent of destroying them.


Mumia Abu-Jamal: The illusion of correctional medicine – UPDATE: Mumia finally begins treatment

In the netherworld of American prisons, one must jettison any medical assumptions one brings in from the so-called “free” world. We have been conditioned to see nurses as sweet sources of solace and doctors as people dedicated to healing the sick and easing our pains. In prison, new rules govern medicine and care. Here, money is master; the ill are all but ignored. This may seem harsh but, I must assure you, reality is even harsher.


Advice for prisoners and their supporters regarding Board of Parole Hearings psychological evaluations

The California Board of Parole Hearings has established the Forensic Assessment Division, a staff of psychologists who conduct psychological evaluations of prisoners for Board hearings. This paper is provided to help California prisoners applying for parole understand the psychological evaluations conducted for the Board of Parole Hearings and to provide advice to them and their supporters on how to counter the psychological evaluation with letters and other materials submitted to the Board.


Updates on Zulu

Greetings, fellow supporters of Kenny Zulu Whitmore. We apologize that it has been so long since we have given you all an update on our beloved brother and comrade Zulu, but we were bound by legal counsel from shining the light on our warrior brother’s plight. Here we are nevertheless, with some amazing news about our Brother Zulu. On Nov. 16, 2015, Zulu, who was then the prisoner longest held in solitary confinement after Albert Woodfox, was released to general population.


Prison lives matter

All across this kkkountry we are hearing and seeing the masses exclaim, “Black lives matter!” We heard Obama counter that by telling the people, “All lives matter” and “Police lives matter.” But what about the more than 2 million lives being held captive across this kkkountry in amerikkka’s kkkoncentration kkkamps (jails and prisons)? So we must raise the questions needed to spark the discussion so many fail to acknowledge: Do prison lives matter?


California Board of Prison Hearings Prisoners are guests of honor at KKK lynchings

Fight Toxic Prisons National Convergence is in Texas this June

Alabama’s Holman Prison bans the Bay View for being ‘racially motivated,’ subscriber declares hunger strike

Why isn’t ‘prison reform’ seeking an effective demand for change?

CDCr must effect genuine changes in its old policies, culture and practices

Alabama’s Tutwiler Prison for Women: Officers break prisoner’s leg after allowing another prisoner to attack her

A young prisoner dies, his comrades pour out their love

I was a slave working under the California Department of Corrections

End prison slavery in Texas now! Part II: Class consciousness and international solidarity

A solitary distinction

New California bill honors the dignity of transgender prisoners

Zolo Agona Azania is FREE – and he needs our help

Psychological warfare in prison: Segregation is the soul breaker

What happened at Vaughn prison?

We who were lulled to sleep by Obama should be jarred awake by Trump


Culture Currents


19th annual SF Black Film Festival is back wit’ films that are better than ever

On the second weekend of June this year, the San Francisco Black Film Festival will be celebrating its 19th year by screening over 100 independent Black films in this annual four-day cinema marathon. San Francisco Black Film Festival director Kali O’Ray, son of founder Ave Montague, sits down to discuss how it feels for the festival to celebrate its 19th birthday, the importance of indie films, remaining in a city that was once a lot more chocolate but has been gentrified to 3 percent Black – and more.


If the world is woke, why is the church sleep?

Back during the Black Power Era, if you were down for the cause, people called you “aware.” In the Hip Hop Era, the term for being politically up to date was “conscious.” Now, with the Millennials, if you are in tune with what’s going on in the world, you are referred to as “woke.” For the past few years, since the murder of Trayvon Martin, there has been a steady rise in cultural awareness within the Black community. The Black truth now gets as much traction as the white mainstream news on Facebook. So why is the church, arguably the spiritual center of the Black community, still running two steps behind?


49 words for Mari Evans: 1919-2017

Poet-composer-playwright-critic Mari Evans Phemster was funeralized March 21, 2017, at St. Luke’s United Methodist Church in Indianapolis, Indiana. Like her friend, Gwendolyn Brooks (1917-2000), Mari’s output preceded the Black Arts Movement, though many of her titles and themes – like “I Am a Black Woman” – became anthems of BAM.


August Wilson’s ‘Jitney’ reframes a world that provides little shelter for a Black man with dreams

“Jitney,” August Wilson’s first play, set in 1977, takes place in the Hill District in Philadelphia, a place Wilson called home. “Jitney,” a part of Wilson’s 10-play canon that chronicles Black life from Jim Crow South to illusive Northern freedoms, speaks to the absence of permanent change for Black people despite legislative acts 1865 to now. It runs through April 16; visit


‘Certain Days: Freedom for Political Prisoners Calendar’ calls for art and article submissions for the 2018 calendar, ‘Awakening Resistance’

The Certain Days: Freedom for Political Prisoners Calendar collective is releasing its 17th calendar this coming fall. The theme for 2018 is “Awakening Resistance,” reflecting on organizing in the current political climate. We are looking for 12 works of art and 12 short articles to feature in the calendar, which hangs in more than 2,500 homes, workplaces, prison cells and community spaces around the world. We encourage contributors to submit both new and existing work. We also seek submissions from prisoners – please forward to any prison-based artists and writers.


Remembering our mother, Gloria Mae Pierce, who owned a thriving restaurant in old Hunters Point Shipyard

A very exciting Oakland International Film Festival spotlights Roots’ 40th anniversary

Wanda’s Picks for April 2017

A solution to the ‘Who is the baby daddy’ question

In the age of tomfoolery, we must see Black genius



If you want folks to know about your business or service or event, Advertise in the Bay View, online or in print. Call any time at (415) 671-0789. We’ll make it affordable!

Support SF BayView with a donation to the Prisoners Subscription Fund. Prisoners say, “The Bay View keeps me alive,” and hundreds are waiting to be placed on the Bay View mailing list.

Check the Bay View Calendar of Events daily. You’re sure to find an event that beckons you to get involved – and many are free!

Find a friend among the Bay View Pen Pals who write, “I would love to hear my name at mail call.”

Looking for a job, a contract, affordable housing or a scholarship or other opportunity? Check the BayView Classifieds today.

Finally, follow the Bay View on Facebook and Twitter – and lead everyone you know to do the same.


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Mary Ratcliff

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