March 14, 2025

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Inspiring Vietnam Related Documentary at Oakland International Film Festival Screens @ Grand Lake Theater 3/5/18
March 31, 2018

"Love Separated in Life...Love Reunited in Honor" tells the story of Black, White and Asian families who joined together in a moment in time to give homage fifty years after the Vietnam War to Sp5 Wyley Wright Jr., who died as an honor guard for Secretary of Defense Robert S. McNamara on March 9, 1964.

Sp5 Wyley Wright was exhumed from a segregated cemetery in Jacksonville, Florida and his wife Ouida Fay McClendon Wright, who died March 9, 1970 leaving their four children, was exhumed from a cemetery in Columbus, Georgia  and they were reburied March 10, 2014 at Arlington National Cemetery.  The story continued with two of the four siblings who went to Vietnam to find the "Shannon Wright Compound," named in honor of their father and 1st Lieutenant Kenneth A. Shannon.  As children and most of their lives, the Wrights were not aware of the honor.  The film directed by Jackie Wright and Jack LiVolsi will be one of the sixty-five films of the 16th Annual Oakland International Film Festival, April 3-7, 2018.

Community News
Wright Enterprises' Jackie Wright & Jackson Street Production's Jack LiVolsi's
"Love Separated in Life...Love Reunited in Honor @ Grand Lake April 5, 2018.
Love Separated in Life... Love Reunited in Honor (Trailer)
Love Separated in Life... Love Reunited in Honor (Trailer)
"Love Separated in Life...Love Reunited in Honor" is a 14 minute documentary that speaks of love in the midst of war and affirms the U.S. military in its Civil Rights role of integration.  Fifty years after the Vietnam death of Sp5 Wyley Wright Jr. as an honor guard for Secretary of Defense McNamara, a White Houston, Texas teenager, who was a fellow "Knight of the Air" with Wright and the wife of fallen pilot 1st Lieutenant Kenneth A. Shannon, joined the Wrights at an Arlington National Cemetery ceremony honoring Wright who had been buried in a segregated cemetery in the South for five decades. A year after the ceremony, the Wright sisters, Phyllis Cameron and Jackie Wright, traveled to Vietnam in advance of the California State East Bay International MBA Program in which Phyllis had enrolled and they were able to find the family of the photographer who had created the last anniversary gifts Wright had given to his cherished "Ouida" a few weeks before his death.
Both Sp5 Wright & Mrs. Wright had died on Monday, March 9th, six years apart, respectively in the years of 1964 and 1970.  Their four children pooled their resources for SP5 Wright, who had been buried in Jacksonville, Florida for 50 years and Ouida Wright, who had been buried 44 years in Columbus, Georgia to be joined at Arlington National Cemetery, one of the most hallowed grounds in the world.  

"Love Separated in Life...Love Reunited in Honor" inspires families to find history among their own family & friends albums and mementos.



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