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Jesse Jackson/PUSHTech 2020 Renew Call for Tech Data
April 11, 2018

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The latest news from USA Today, Reveal and Fast Company.

SAN FRANCISCO — Four years after pledging to change the face of technology, the industry is still struggling with too much discrimination and too little diversity. Now civil rights leader Jesse Jackson is calling on companies to redouble efforts to include more women, African Americans and Hispanics and release better information on the progress they are making.

"It's time to take stock of what has been done; what has worked and what hasn't," Jackson wrote in a letter to Facebook, Amazon, Google, Apple and other major companies obtained exclusively by USA TODAY.

The letter, which requests a number of new pieces of information from tech companies, was also signed by five groups advocating for greater diversity in tech, including the Kapor Center and the Greenlining Institute. (Note from Rainbow PUSH:  CodeCrew, Hidden Genius Project and Qeyno also co signed the request for data letter.)

"Companies must set specific, quantifiable diversity and inclusion goals, targets and timetables," Jackson wrote. "Without them, the ability to measure and be accountable for progress will be difficult."

The renewed push reflects growing frustration with how tech is addressing one of its greatest challenges in an increasingly global marketplace. The high-paying, fast-growing industry, mostly staffed by white and Asian men, is leaving out women, African Americans and Hispanics. And diversity activists say companies are deliberately withholding critical information and fudging demographic statistics to mask the extent of the problem.

Their proposed fix: for more companies to make public the annual reports they file with the federal government on workforce demographics broken down by race and gender. Fewer than two dozen companies have published these reports called EEO-1s, some of them only under duress. Many companies such as Tesla have refused to disclose any demographic information at all about their workers.

In the letter, Jackson and other diversity advocates asked those companies that have not released EEO-1 reports to produce them for the last four years.

They also asked companies to disclose the number of new hires made over the same period, broken down by gender, race and ethnicity; employee retention rates by race, ethnicity and gender; affirmative action plans and spending on suppliers from diverse backgrounds; and details on diversity and inclusion policies and practices.

Pressure for increased transparency comes amid a broader backlash against big tech, from the White House to Capitol Hill and from the consumers to investors.

At the same time, recruiting and retention efforts to re-engineer demographics to include more women and people of color have subjected companies such as Google to sharp criticism — sometimes from within their own ranks — putting tech's big names in the cross hairs of the nation's culture wars.

It was never much of a secret in Silicon Valley that tech companies had very few women, African Americans and Hispanics. But tech CEOs refused to supply basic information on the demographics of their companies to the public, calling it a trade secret.

Activists such as Jackson waged campaigns for years, arguing that making the information public was necessary to shake up the industry's lopsided demographics. 

Google began publishing the demographics of its workforce on an annual basis in 2014. Soon other top tech companies followed suit, revealing an industry at odds with America's growing diversity.

Nationwide, the industry is 74% male, 69% white and 21% Asian, according to a report from the Kapor Center for Social Impact. In Silicon Valley, blacks and Hispanics make up between 3% and 6% of workers, and women of color are 1% or less. These groups are represented across other industries at much higher rates consistent with their proportion of the overall U.S. population, which is half women, about 13% black and nearly 18% Hispanic, according to 2016 U.S. Census Bureau estimates.

Not only are women and people of color hired in lower numbers than white men, they also leave tech at a much higher rate. A recent analysis by the non-profit Ascend Foundation indicated that the number of black and Hispanic professionals in Silicon Valley's tech sector declined over the past eight years.

Despite pledges, diversity advocates say too few CEOs have made diversity an urgent business priority. Diversity staffers are given little in the way of resources and authority. And, advocates say, diversity data is too easily manipulated to make it seem like companies are making more progress than they actually are. 

Diversity reports feature colorful pie charts containing percentages, not raw numbers, alongside smiling photos of women and minorities and aspirational messages from executives, but no raw numbers.

In its diversity report issued in March, Twitter claimed 12.5% of its employees are “underrepresented minorities” — which Twitter defined as non-white and non-Asian — up from 11% in 2016. But that percentage included people who declined to state their ethnicity in Twitter’s internal survey. When called out by tech news outlet Recode, Twitter deleted that section of its diversity report.

Loretta Lee, who sued Google in February alleging she was subjected to repeated sexual harassment by male co-workers, claims her former employer would lump designers with engineers to inflate its diversity stats. 

"I can recall hundreds of engineering teams, just off the top of my head, but none that had more than one female software engineer, including my own, and most had zero," she wrote in a blog post

More USA TODAY coverage of inclusion and diversity in tech

Some diversity advocates say tech companies should develop a standardized methodology to track diversity.

"If you don't have baseline data, you can't measure progress. And if you don't have baseline data, you can't compare across companies," Freada Kapor Klein says. "To have good data, you need uniform and consistent categories." 

For example, pie charts focus on race and gender, but not on the intersection of the two: women of color. EEO-1 reports exclude anyone with a non-binary gender identity. And EEO-1 job categories don't match job categories at tech companies, making it difficult to glean anything but broad generalities. Also missing from the current disclosures: pay and stock option gaps for women and minorities and the "cap table" — the percentage of ownership and equity in companies. 

New pushes are underway to create a standardized methodology that would increase transparency.

The Alliance Working Group on Diversity and Inclusion, led by Harvey Mudd College President Maria Klawe, is exploring the creation of an organization that would provide diversity and inclusion ratings to start-ups, venture capital firms and tech incubators. And three tech workers created the "Dear Tech People" diversity ranking of 100 small and medium-sized tech companies by scouring tens of thousands of LinkedIn profiles.

The challenge is getting the industry to adopt a single standard, says Tracy Chou, who helped spur the industry to take action on diversity with a spreadsheet in 2013 to track the small numbers of female software engineers at tech companies.

"If there were an industry governing board as in medicine or law, they could be the one to do it," she says, "but that doesn't exist in tech."


(Notes from Rainbow PUSH) 

Every year, companies with more than 100 employees are required to file an EEO-1 report with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.  In 2013,  Google, Apple, Yahoo, Oracle and Applied Materials successfully fought the release of their EEO-1’s.(  

Rev. Jackson and Rainbow PUSH launched a public campaign in 2014 to document the data and gross under-representation of people of color in the tech industry.  After succeeding in pressuring Google to release their diversity and inclusion data at their 2014 shareholder meeting, Rev. Jackson wrote to 25 tech companies (link) demanding they follow suit (see list).  A firestorm lit up Silicon Valley and the tech industry, with company after company - most for the first time every - publicly released their data. All but Oracle complied.  A new era opened up in Silicon Valley.  The data chart for 2014 can be found here.

The 2018 letter, originally sent to 25 tech companies 2014, can be found at:!AllbjwA59Q4zhZxwori9yrYaRaT8hA
This year's letter requests a number of new pieces of information from tech companies, was also signed by five groups advocating for greater diversity in tech, including the Kapor Center and the Greenlining Institute. (Note from Rainbow PUSH:  Hidden Genius, CodeCrew and Qeyno Labs also co-signed the request for data letter.


By  / April 6, 2018

The man who stirred the hornet’s nest of Silicon Valley tech companies a few years ago and made them cough up their diversity reports is back for more.

Rev. Jesse Jackson and his nonprofit organization Rainbow Push Coalitionhave sent an email to 25 large technology companies including Google, Facebook, Tesla and Oracle calling on them to release information on their hiring practices, board diversity measures and employee retention statistics in addition to their latest diversity data.

“Patterns of exclusion and minimal participation continue,” Jackson said in an interview with Reveal from The Center for Investigative Reporting. “They’re obviously not using their strength to recruit and retain people of color.”

The ask comes on the heels of the deadline last week for these companies to submit their EEO1 forms — reports showing the demographic breakdowns of their workforce — to the federal government.

Several large tech companies including Google and Apple already release the diversity data they report to the federal government every year. Some companies such as Yelp released their EEO-1 report only once in 2014 in response to pressure from Jackson but haven’t released them since.  

Others including Oracle release basic pie charts showing information such as how many women are in their workforce, but nothing on the race breakdowns of their employees. Companies such as Tesla and Palantir release little to no data about their workforce at all.

Jackson asks tech companies to release their latest numbers for 2017 and continue to do it every year.

Some large tech companies responded to Jackson’s pressure campaign in 2014 by releasing their demographics for the first time. Now, he wants more. He wants to know who is sitting on the boards of these companies, who is employed in the C-suite, who the companies are hiring and how they’re doing with retaining minorities. He also wants companies to release gender and race breakdowns of suppliers and contractors.

The email was sent in partnership with community programs and research centers working on tech equity, including Hidden GeniusKapor Centerand Greenlining coalition.

Getting companies to release diversity data has been an uphill battle that advocates including Jackson and newsrooms including Reveal have been working towards.

“Goodwill is not enough. Goodwill is not enough,” Jackson said. “Their promises are empty.”

Last year, Reveal surveyed 211 large tech companies based in Silicon Valley, asking them to release their EEO-1 forms. Reveal put together a collection of data from 23 companies including Pinterest, Square and 23andMe, companies that released their data for the first time.

Most of the companies Reveal surveyed — including Tesla, Oracle and PayPal — haven’t released their EEO-1 forms yet.

Reveal reporter Will Evans contributed to this story. 

Since 2014, many tech companies have pledged to make diversity a priority, with a number of them publishing annual reports that break down their workforce by race and gender. But civil rights activist Jesse Jackson, who has previously called the push for diversity in tech “the next step in the civil rights movement,” thinks companies can and should be doing more.

“It’s time to take stock of what has been done; what has worked and what hasn’t,” Jackson wrote in a letter obtained by USA Today. “Companies must set specific, quantifiable diversity and inclusion goals, targets and timetables. Without them, the ability to measure and be accountable for progress will be difficult.” The letter, which was addressed to Facebook, Amazon, Google, Apple, and other tech companies, was co-signed by groups focused on making tech inclusive, like the Kapor Center.

When Jackson and company talk about offering clearer metrics, they’re referring to something I recently pointed out in Twitter’s diversity reportMany tech companies publish percentages without giving actual numbers on, say, how many underrepresented minorities have been hired or promoted to leadership positions in a given year. Twitter’s breakdown by race, for example, counted employees who had declined to report their ethnicity or race as underrepresented minorities. And according to a former employee, Google at one point categorized designers as engineers, reportedly to boost its diversity numbers for tech roles.

One way to address some of these discrepancies would be, as the letter suggests, to publish EEO-1 forms—the annual demographic reports companies file to the federal government. The letter also calls for companies to publish numbers on new hires and employee retention—broken down by race, gender, and ethnicity—as well as affirmative action initiatives and diversity and inclusion efforts.

Of course, the real solution would be to standardize methodology, which would solve for some of the blind spots in existing diversity reports and EEO-1 forms. But will tech companies go for it? If diversity advocates hold their feet to the fire, it might just be possible.



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