March 12, 2025

Community News

An Estimated $6 Million Dollars to Be Released to Community Organizations to Help Save Black Lives From Smoking Deaths
June 22, 2018

Courtesy of AATCLC

June 2018
Funding Opportunities Available Soon!
We are pleased to announce that the California Department of Public Health, California Tobacco Control Program (CTCP) is re-releasing an RFA (Request for Application) to potentially fund (4) African American/Black Regional Initiatives to Reduce Tobacco Related Disparities in our population. This is a significant initiative as these are five-year regional grants with an estimated total funding amount of $6,705,540.
African American based agencies serving the following regions are encouraged to give this opportunity careful consideration-
  • Bay Area Region (Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara, and Solano counties)
  • Los Angeles Region (Los Angeles)
  • Central Valley Region (Fresno, Kern, Kings, Madera, Mariposa, Merced, Tulare counties)
  • Tri-County South Region (Imperial, Riverside, and San Bernardino counties)
Your Organization Can Make A Difference
For ten years, the AATCLC has fought to eliminate menthol and flavored tobacco use and reduce health disparities. This CTCP funding opportunity is an important step in creating a viable African American tobacco control infrastructure and rebuilding community capacity. We are working to increase African American access to organizational funding and employment opportunities across the state.
The passage of Proposition 56 has enabled the state of California to increase funding for agencies that serve Priority Populations. The AATCLC has been funded to run the African American Statewide Coordinating Center (AACC). The AACC can help African American community based organizations interested in applying for these grants access free tailored assistance. We look forward to sharing information, resources, and practical support as we work to get our organizations funded to conduct relevant and meaningful tobacco control programs in our communities.
For more information on how to receive further assistance from the AACC please
Promote Health Promotion and Communication Activities In Your Communities
Applications must address one or more of the following goal areas:
1) Limit Tobacco Promoting Influences; 2) Reduce Exposure to Secondhand Smoke, Tobacco Smoke Residue, Tobacco Waste, and Other Tobacco Products; 3) Reduce the Availability of Tobacco, including Emerging Products;and 4) Promote Tobacco Cessation. (Applications that focus solely on cessation will not be reviewed. Applications may allocate up to 10 percent of their proposed budget towards the provision of direct cessation services (e.g., cessation classes). Grant funds may not be used to pay for pharmacotherapy such as nicotine replacement therapy). 
Key Dates
Term: March 1, 2019 through February 29,2024*
Funding: Funding will be available from the California Healthcare, Research, and Prevention Tobacco Act of 2016, Proposition 56. The total amount of funding available is estimated to be $6,705,540, for the 60-month grant period.
Release Date: June 28, 2018*
The RFA and any updates will be available through the CDPH/CTCP Tobacco Control Funding Opportunities and Resources (TCFOR) website at:
The CDPH/CTCP website, includes a link to TCFOR as well as other pertinent CDPH programs.
The websites listed above are the
SOLE OFFICIAL SOURCES of information about this initiative.
Mandatory Letter of Intent: One (1) signed LOI must be uploaded to the TCFOR website by Friday, July 13, 2018*, 5:00 p.m. Pacific Time (PT)*. All those intending to submit an application are required to submit a Letter of Intent (LOI). Those who do not submit a LOI will not be considered for funding. This letter is not binding and those submitting a LOI are not obligated to submit an application. The LOI format and instructions can be viewed in the RFA.
Application Due Date: August 15, 2018*, by 5:00 p.m., PT*
Optional Informational Webinar: An optional Online GoToTraining® webinar is scheduled for Wednesday, July 11, 2018* at 9:00 a.m., PT*. Prospective applicants intending to submit an application are strongly encouraged to participateThe purpose of the Informational Webinar is to provide potential applicants with an opportunity to pose written questions about preparing and submitting the application. Participants may view the Informational Webinar access links will be provided at
Contact: Written questions on this RFA will be accepted throughMonday, July 16, 2018*, 5:00 p.m., PT* by email (, and responses to written questions will be posted to the TCFOR Website on Monday, July 23, 2018*, 5:00 p.m., PT *. Verbal questions will not be accepted.
*Dates are tentative 
Please sign up for CTCP email alerts HERE.
Very important for current and future announcements.
We encourage you to read all pertinent information and assess whether this is a viable opportunity for your organization. Additionally, please pass on this funding opportunity to any groups that may be interested. Further details about the release of the solicitation can be found on the attached Funding Opportunity Alert. 
Need further assistance?

The African American Tobacco Control Leadership Council (AATCLC), a collective of tobacco control experts dedicated to research, community collaboration and public engagement, is working to stop the 45,000 preventable deaths of African Americans due to tobacco related diseases.
AATCLC | c/o The URSA Institute | Phone 888.881.6619 | Fax 888.881.6619
The URSA Institute | c/o The URSA Institute390 Fourth StreetSan Francisco, CA 94107

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