WHAT: Summer Equity Summit
WHERE: Fort Mason Center for Arts & Culture, 2 Marina Boulevard, SF 94109
WHEN: Friday, July 27 @ 9:30am
NOTES: Join the
San Francisco Human Rights Commission, community members and our community partners for the 2018 Summer Equity Summit: Art and Activism. Participate in workshops, learn strategies of engagement, and hear community perspectives on the pressing equity issues of our time. Work with renowned authors
D. Watkins and recharge with compelling performances, workshops, and youth presentations from participants in the
Community Safety Initiative (CSI). Refreshments and lunch provided, with an award reception to follow after the day’s programming.
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WHO: SCDC, BVHP YMCA, & Bayview Senior Services
WHAT: Community Health Fair
WHERE: Samoan Community Development Center, 2055 Sunnydale Avenue
WHEN: Friday, July 27 from 10am-3pm
NOTES: Free admission! Better health for a brighter tomorrow. Participating vendors and more: SAFHC, Healthy Cooking Demo, Vendanta Center Yoga, Wise Health, Senior & Disability Action. Please join us for a healthy day of fun!
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WHO: Bayview Opera House
th Annual Circus Festival
WHERE: NOW Hunters Point, 155 Jennings
WHEN: Sunday, July 29
th 12pm-4pm
NOTES: The 7th Annual Summer Circus Festival featuring Circus Bella and the Prescott Circus Theatre at Bayview Hunters Point. Stop by at 10 AM to register to attempt to break the Guinness World Record for the longest chain of roller skaters, led by members of the Church of 8 Wheels and Black Rock Roller Disco. FREE for Bayview Residents. The Circus Festival is FREE to all and will open at 12pm. Featuring the Fun Slide, circus games, and FREE roller skate rentals provided by Church of 8 Wheels. The Circus performance will begin at 1:45 pm, opening with the Prescott Circus Theatre and will be followed by Circus Bella. Supported by PG&E, the San Francisco Arts Commission and Grants for the Arts.
Visit the libraries listed below to get as many free books as you would like! Books are available in different languages for children ages 0-14 until August 31st (or while supplies last). Courtesy of Soar with Reading, a JetBlue For Good initiative.
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Join BMAGIC at our upcoming events!
*** 15th Annual Back to School Celebration and Backpack Giveaway ***
Saturday, August 18, 2018 11am-2pm @ NOW Hunters Point

To volunteer for the event, click here.
To table at the event, click here.
*** 2018 Bayview National Night Out ***
Tuesday, August 7th, 2018 5pm-7pm
@ Bayview Opera House & Joe Lee Rec Center
First 100 guests receive a FREE NNO shirt!
*** Gilman Park Movie Night! ***
For more information about the above events, please contact Moira:
415-558-2488 moira@bayviewmagic.org
Or visit our website

Bayview Community Based Transportation Plan
Join the Steering Committee and Help Your Community Direct $600,000
in Bayview Transportation Funding
The San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA) has secured $600,000 to improve transit and transit access for the Bayview’s residents. These funds could be spent on infrastructure, such as new bus stops and improved routes to transit, or on programs, like a community shuttle or more frequent MUNI service. To decide on how to spend these new funds, the SFMTA is launching a participatory budgeting exercise. Through participatory budgeting, community members work together to come up with ideas, develop them into proposals and vote on where the money will go.
The SFMTA is seeking interested members of the Bayview community to serve on our Steering Committee, which will decide on the rules of the participatory budgeting process, which projects are eligible for voting and funding, and how the overall process is run in the community. The SFMTA wants there to be no barriers to participation in the Steering Committee. The agency will be offering compensation for community members willing to dedicate their time to this effort. Women, people of color, seniors, youth, and people with low incomes are especially encouraged to apply.
fill out our quick application or contact
Christopher Kidd at
christopher.kidd@sfmta.com or (415) 646.2852 to get more information.
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*** Volunteer with BMAGIC! ***
Click here to view our current Volunteer Newsletter and to sign up for our volunteer list!
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*** BMAGIC's 2018-2019 Resource Guide is now available! ***
If you would like printed copies or to be included in our
online resource guide,
please contact: Moira (415) 558-2488 moira@bayviewmagic.org
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*** Check out our Summer seasonal section! ***
Featuring workshops & trainings, youth programming,
summer camps & employment, events and activities.
To access the calendar, click here.
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