Thank you Dina Ippolito-Waters for sharing this photo of Joan Kelley-Williams from your albums. Joan was a steadfast attendee of the many Red Cross events. She was always there with her volunteers moving from Director of Volunteer Services to Director of International Services and Services to Military Families touching one heart at a time.
Words fail me still...but I woke up today knowing I had to try. Got word last week that a dear former Red Cross colleague had passed. She had beat the cancer stats for life expectancy by five years. Five years! Joan Kelley-Williams was always a warrior. My mistake as I examine my heart is that I thought she'd be with us forever. I'm not going to be here forever. Thank you for that Adam, as in the original sin that no one speaks of as "The Fall of Man" is not taken into consideration anymore. There's a part of me that puts good people in the forever category in some illusion of the mind sort of away.
I know what I Thessalonians 4:13-18 says. I have read I Corinthians 15 and Revelation 21. I know mentally and those confirming eternal life passages comfort me during times of facing death. "Death where is your sting? Grave where is your Victory? In the clutches of the Risen Christ Jesus Christ that's where. But there is a thing of suspended disbelief that happens as we face the day to day and reality just is not real. So my adjusted emotional state put Joan Kelly-Williams in the forever category. We act like we will live forever when we walk in that self-imposed parallel reality. Now this, from someone who knows death is for real. My father died in the Vietnam War when I was ten years old and my mother died on the same day as my dad six years later. I know the perils of what happens when you march on with a "Stiff Upper Lip."
Thank you Roland Washington and Eric Smith! This 2009 radio interview at KPOO still has relevance as Joan Kelley-Williams masterfully shared about ARCBA and the International Red Cross as she spoke of events of the time. Still Relevant thanks to Joan's vision for all things good. Click image for the interview. "You always come away with more than you knew when you encounter Joan; always ready with a practical Red Cross Message (Disaster & Blood Services): "Cell phones have to be charged. It's great to have one hard phone line in your house..."We always need blood. Call 1-800-Give-Life to donate."-Joan Kelley-Williams. (Joan's advice translates well into this COVID-19 disaster period! The nation needs blood donors and cell phones could run out of battery power in the time of need).
Two key U.S. civil rights leaders died in one day. Canadian Broadcasting Corporation speaks with Atlanta City Council Member Andre Dickens gives a personal view of his last conversation with Congressman John Lewis last week in which Lewis encouraged Dickens to "Keep Getting into Good Trouble." Dickens also shared how Atlanta will honor Reverend C.T. Vivian who died at 95 years of age hours before Congressman Lewis passed on July 17,2020 at the age of 80.
SF Black Film Festival XXII "Virtually Possible" Thru August 30th Via Atlanta, GA, San Diego, CA & Durban, South Africa
San Francisco-Amid the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic, the multicultural San Francisco Black Film Festival is screening films from around the world virtually at
South African "Citizen Ambassador" with a constant call to action to do business in Durban and the entire country, speaks with former Los Angeles Congresswoman and U.S. Ambassador Dianen E. Watson during 2018 visiting including the CA Black Chamber of Commerce Ron Brown Economic Summit, where Mrs. Kunene was a keynote speaker for the City of Durban.
| with live events from Atlanta, Georgia to Durban South Africa, now through August 30, 2020.
"As we collaborate with artists and friends in Atlanta and Durban, South Africa, we will be adding live events through our "Live Talk @ SFBFF program to share with our San Francisco Bay Area audience and people from around the world," said Katera Crossley, Co-Director of San Francisco Black Film Festival. Click links for complete news release.
Live Talk @SFBFF Salutes Youth Artist
'Done' by Richie Official (Richard G Watson). "Done" Launched in June "Black Music Month," Live Talk @SFBFF gives a shout out to Bay Area high school teenager, Richard G. Watson. Click the link and check out "Done!"
After Live Talk @SFBFF Interview
Click Image for 4th of July Interview with Keldamuzik. She talked about streaming services during the interview and now shares that she is thankful for every streaming flow. Congratulations, Keldamuzik for keeping it real. With your hard working drive, there more is on the way!
Previously Recorded "Live Talk @SFBFF
Launches New Podcast
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