Posted Courtesy of Wright Enterprises San Francisco~Dallas~~
Dear Friends,
Every year, the Martin Luther King Jr. Freedom Center’s youth leaders and staff participate in a variety of events that mark the national Martin Luther King Jr. observance.
Here are some of the key public events we are participating tomorrow, Monday, and how you can join us for them:
Monday, January 18, 3:30 PM
LIVE Dr. Clayborne Carson, Founding Director of the King Research and Education Institute at Stanford, hosts Freedom Center youth in a live discussion on Dr. King's unanswered question, Where Do We Go From Here?
Click here to watch Monday at 3:30pm
(NOTE to Freedom Center Students: Please use your usual link for the Monday Class)
Monday, January 18, 2:30 PM
LIVE Dr. Clayborne Carson hosts Freedom Center Executive Director Dr. Roy Wilson and Student Graduate David Gaines in a live discussion on the Stanford King Institute and King Freedom Center’s partnership.
Click here to watch Monday at 2:30pm to watch on Zoom
Password: 081963
Note, Zoom requires using a Zoom account. If you do not have one, they are free to create at
We look forward to seeing you at these events.
For a stronger democracy,
Roy D. Wilson, Ed.D.
Executive Director
Martin Luther King Jr. Freedom Center
YouTube | Facebook
Executive Producer
The Barbara Lee and Elihu Harris Lecture Series | YouTube
Peralta Community College District
Merritt College, 12500 Campus Drive
Oakland, California 94619
(206) 571-6653