March 10, 2025

Community News

It's Beginning to Look A Lot Like...Cinderella Time
November 23, 2022

With News from the office of George G. Saxton Executive Director San Francisco - Ho Chi Minh City Sister City Committee

Posted Courtesy of Wright Enterprises Community Spotlight San Francisco~Dallas~~~

Dear Friend,

Thanks for being apart of the AASC community!

Cinderella celebrates its 20th Anniversary with a fresh adaptation of our original script by Devin A. Cunningham. This original take on our classic production pays homage to Oakland and the Bay Area culture. Celebrate the holidays with family, friends, and community by discovering the magic you carry within! Experience the retelling of our timeless tale, Cinderella.

Purchase your season, single, or group tickets today by calling the City Box Office at (415)-392-4400 or click the link the button below to purchase online.   Groups of 10 or more gets a 30% discount. 

Get Tickets
Interview with
Devin Cunningham
"Black Theater Artists Are Helping Shakespeare Speak To More Diverse Audiences"

Giving Tuesday

Check out our Giving Tuesday campaign as communities and organizations from all
over to celebrate and encourage the impact of giving.

Our New Look
Our new website is coming soon! Our audience can expect new features with a updated production design.

The Glass Menagerie is a bonafide and vaunted part of the American theatrical canon. And as a memory play, has few peers, which is why Director Monica White Ndounou (en-DOO-noo) sees this as an opportunity to “have a conversation with Tennessee Williams, a call and response of sorts. We want to show how Black people might have experienced this period in history and why it matters now by infusing it with Blackness in an organic way as reflected through our lived experiences."
One of the most prolific love stories of all time, this newly conceptualized production of Shakespeare’s star-crossed lovers is reimagined in a contemporary setting. It’s love at first-sight, for teen Romeo when he meets the enchanting Juliet at a party. Unbeknownst to either, they discover the other is from an ancient family rival.  How strong is their desire to go against all encounters and remain true when the unimaginable happens? Leave your “already-seen-it” minds behind, for this production has a different surprise. 


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